My apologies

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Hello everyone!

It's rosebirdlo

Sorry for not uploading this story as I hoped I could, just that there's a lot going on with my life: studies, paperwork, family problems & of course the infamous writer's block. 😒

I once again apologize for not updating, but don't worry, my.... 'hiatus' will end quite soon, I don't like leaving things half finished, especially in a very boring part, besides, I keep getting notifications of followers, likes and ratings on this story, so I owe you guys, oh and there is something going up ahead in this story about what happens to these characters.
darnit spoiler alert!
Yes, something WILL happen to these characters.

Well, I'll stop writing this note before I spill any more spoilers.

Teheheh we DON'T  want that!

Once again I apologize for the loooong wait and I will update as soon as possible.
You guys deserve it.

Rosebirdlo OUT! 

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