Chapter two- A party turned horrid:

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The start of my party was an absolute blast. My 5 closest friends (Elsie, Bella, Mia, Chrissy and Abby) that also lived in the ghetto were able to come and celebrate. I was hoping my best friend and her big sister could come, but a couple of days ago, the two of them went missing and hadn’t been seen since. 

     We were just sitting in my room, casually talking between ourselves when we heard dramatically loud screams and bangs come from the direction of the door. Instantly, the whole atmosphere around us went horribly silent and not for just some moment of no one having nothing to say. This was much, much worse than that. 

     It felt like forever for some form of sound happened and even when it did, it was just the six of us simply breathing. But when it did happen, there was no sound from my mum. Not even from my dad or brother. By this point, life for me was starting to drift down to a downwards spiral to hell. 

     Trying as hard as I possibly could to listen into any possible voice from the outside of my house, I was able to hear a number of voices that did not sound familiar one bit. They weren’t even speaking in our language and because of that… I knew another war was starting.

     I had heard several stories and tails about another war starting after the very tragic world war 1 but I never thought they were true. I actually thought the people were crazy who believed it. I was once told that jewish families were going to eventually attacked because a man overseas hated them. Wish I took their words for it. Maybe then I could /have been even the smallest bit ready for the deaths that were coming. 

     Slowly and moderately, I was then able to peek one of my eyes out from my room’s window. People in dark, shady colours surrounded the entire ghetto with huge and threatening guns that could take all of us out in one go. In the middle of all of the people who looked big, tough and scary were the residents who lived in the ghetto. I could see almost every family. I searched as hard as I possibly could for my own family but with every change of side I was looking, they were not in my sight’s reach. This could have meant two options: 1. I couldn’t see them because I wasn’t looking good enough -or- 2. they had been killed with the giant guns the men from another country were holding.

     I couldn’t look any more. The thought of me losing my family was unbearable. I had to force myself to turn around before I started bursting out with tears of worry and misery. But even turning around couldn’t stop it. Especially when you had ten eyes watching you and hoping you could say everything was and will be fine. But somethings are just to hard to lie about.  

     “Deborah, what happen to your mummy and daddy and wittle brother?” Elsie sobbed, mis-pronouncing the word little because of her age. It broke my heart to see a 5 year old in this state of mind. 

     “I’m not sure honey but I’m sure they’ll come back soon. I think they just went outside for a little while. Nothing to worry about. Oh but I think we should play a game, who can be the quietest? Game starts now.” I whisper back, trying to sound convincing but most likely failing with the attempt. Not only that but trying to get everyone to be silent so we wouldn’t be heard and get put into the group of people.

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