Chapter three- Alone:

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After waiting an estimated hour or so, everyone that was lined up outside were all gone along with the men that scared the living daylights out of me.  I secretly watched every person leave to get onto a rusty, cramped up train to go to the unknown. After seeing everyone go, it was clear my parents and only sibling were on it with the rest of people. 

Every body was getting so bored and tired of playing the ‘be quiet for the longest game that I decided to take a risk and search the rest of the house just incase anyone was still there. I highly doubted it though.

     My legs felt weak and shaky as I walked down the small corridor with the girls right behind me. 

     As we reached the lounge room, we were faced with red liquid gradually making it’s way through the room. I knew what is was. 

     “All of you stay here.” I commanded as I begun to walk to the trail to track it back to where it originally came from. 

     Putting one foot in front of the other was become yet another challenge. But I had to continue; I had to see who had been killed. And there it was…

     The blood was covering the small toes on my feet and the bodies were extremely pale and breathless. I stood there with my whole family dead at the doorstep (literally) and all I could do was stay strong for the rest of the girls. Even knowing that, tears were rapidly streaming from my eyes.

     Mitch was the worst of them all; when is saw him, it was obvious that they had killed him with a bullet to the brain. It was pure torture and agony to see his big brown eyes so completely open and worried that they were blood shot. There was no other way I could describe the moment where I saw my 8 year old brother lying on the floor, dead, cold and unable to live anymore but in those words exactly. I wish I had of gotten out of my room to see what was going on. I could have been with them in heaven or wherever they went. Instead, I stayed on my ass just for my own good. Because of this, I was the disgusting sister that cared about herself more than her brother who didn’t have a chance to care about himself. I loathed myself for the rest of my life for this. At least he is and will always be free the way he always explained on one day being. 

     By that point, I was empty of tears, worry and misery. I was now angry, disgusted and hungry for revenge. And I was going to get it. 

     “Deborah, what’s happened?” Mia requested, walking closer to me when I didn’t answer. 

     Seconds had past I still hadn’t told her or any of the others what had happened. But by the point they reached me and saw me holding my brothers hand, I didn’t need to reply. 

     I couldn’t look at my family anymore. It was too gut wrenching and something that was going to take over my entire mind if I didn’t move away. 

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