Chapter 7

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So from now on it will be told in 3rd person point of view instead of first person. I just feel really awkward saying "I" all the time and my usual writing style is in third person anyways so.

It was one of the last days that kids were allowed to put their name in the cup. Angelina Johnson had recently turned seventeen and the first thing she did was enter the tournament for Gryffindor. Hermione found it great that a Gryffindor entered, having someone from their house would be really cool. If a Slytherin or someone they didn't like make it in why would they rout for them? At least that's what Harry has been saying for the last few days. Hermione didn't really care, for she didn't get sports. It would just be nice to show some house pride.

Hermione and Fred have been talking, but they weren't friends again or anything. Sometimes Fred just needed to ask her something and sometimes Hermione pretended not to know the answer so they could go look it up in the library together. Krum was still there, as always, just staring at her and reading his book. It seems to be the same one every single time. It always takes some reminding for Hermione to realize not everyone can read a five hundred page book in a day or two like she can. Other people just don't have the time or effort.

Today Harry and Ron had dragged Hermione with them to watch people put their names in the Goblet, because apparently this was really entertaining. Not really wanting to sit and watch kids from other schools put their name in a cool cup while everyone ooh'd, Hermione decided to bring a book with her. It was titled House Elves and Self Hatred, which she was finding very interesting at the moment. It was part of a series of books that talked about house elves' habits of punishing themselves when they failed to live up to their master's expectations.

Everyone else she told about it told her it was awful, but she found the study of house elf psychology fascinating and helpful to her cause. There was at least eight volumes that Hermione knew of, but this was only the first. Soon she would be able to put all of her knowledge of house elves to good use.

While Hermione sat quietly reading her book, Harry and Ron watched as different kids from different houses and schools entered the tournament. There was a group of kids who dared this underage Hufflepuff to put his name in. Obviously, he was unsuccessful, but it was fun to watch.

Another half hour passed and another dozen kids or so came in to enter. Some underage, some actually seventeen. It's amazing how many kids refused to pay attention to the rule and tried to enter anyways. There was another Hufflepuff, a couple Ravenclaws, and a Slytherin. So far the only underage Gryffindors Hermione was looking for weren't here. That was odd, but maybe they gave up. Fred did express to Hermione the difficulties of this potion and how long it was taking for them to get it just right, Hermione was hoping they came to their senses and decided just not to try.

Suddenly some very loud laughter was heard coming into the room and Hermione turned around to see Fred, George, and Lee were running down the stair case with very excited looks the reminded Hermione of first years taking a look around Hogwarts for the first time. The three of them plopped themselves down next to the trio and grinned from ear to ear. It was the first time in a long time that Hermione has seen Fred this happy about something. "Done it. " Fred spoke quietly, but with triumph evident in his voice. "Just taken it. "

Ron looked up with a confused expression that made Lee roll his eyes before he even said anything. "What? "

"The Aging Potion, dung brains. "

"One drop each since we only needed to age a few months. " George spoke this time. He was rocking back and forth on his feet and rubbing his hands together. He seemed happy. Lee explained how they were going to split the prize money between the three of them if one of them wins. He says if but it's pretty clear all three of them are really confident that one of them will get in and win this whole thing.

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