Chapter 8

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I went to see Dan and Phil is De Moines and cried pretty much the whole time okay. Also thanks for 400 votes:) I'm thinking about writing a Phan Hogwarts au once this book is finished

Fred was already in a much better mood since him and Hermione talked that day, it was really rubbing off on everyone else around him. Everyone at the Gryffindor table just seemed to be happy that Fred Weasley wasn't so gloomy anymore, especially George and Hermione.

The two of them had a specific system worked out now.

Everyday they sit across from each other at breakfast where Fred and George talk about some new prank ideas and Hermione pretends not to be interested, but occasionally comments on how they could make it a little better. Then they split up to their separate classes before meeting again before lunch, when the both of them had a free period that was usually spent in the library with Hermione trying to study or read and Fred annoys her. They then eat lunch with their friends and finish the school day, meeting up to work on homework and just generally joke around. Well, Fred jokes around and Hermione knits.

This system has only been going on for a couple days, but it seems to be working fine.

They acted so much like a couple, some rumors had even started to spread around the school that they really were together. People kept questioning Hermione, who blushed and insisted they weren't together. Meanwhile Fred basically fed the rumors by giving her the nickname love and kissing her cheek in the halls at random times, which she didn't actually mind all that much. Some people even told her that Fred started the rumors, but she didn't believe that.

Even with all this happening, neither really discussed feelings or any labels for themselves. Unless they were joking. It just wasn't something that they felt the need to talk about or address. They didn't think there was something romantic going on, well if they did they sure didn't want to let the other know.

Fred just got Hermione back, and he didn't want to ruin it with stupid feelings. Especially since he was sure she would never like him back.

Hermione was scared of the possibility that Fred could have feelings for her, she never wanted to get a good friendship ruined by an ugly break up. After it was clear how obviously sad Fred was without her, Hermione didn't think it impossible that he could have had some feelings for her. He did kiss her over the summer after all. She just wasn't sure a romantic relationship would work out between them.

They were too different, but people always told her that opposites attract. And they seemed to be getting along well enough, as friends. Just friends for now.

At the moment Hermione was trying to talk to Harry and Ron about S.P.E.W. again while Fred sat across from them, watching her with a fond smile. George had stopped trying to talk to him, he knew that Fred wasn't really listening right now. Of course Fred would never completely abandon or ignore his brother for a girl, but sometimes he just got in those moods where he just wanted to be with Hermione.

The drawing for the Triwizard Tournament was today, and the Weasley twins were still kind of upset they didn't get their chance to put their names in the cup. It was something they really wanted to do, but they realized joining the tournament under aged was dangerous anyways. Plus Fred finally got Hermione back.

After everyone was finished eating Dumbledore stood up at his stand and waited quietly for everyone to settle down, which didn't take long. Everyone was anxious to see who would be picked, you could just feel the energy and excitement in the air. Even Hermione was a little anxious.

Anything could happen during this tournament- kids that she knows could get hurt or die. Of course no one she really cared about was old enough to get picked, but that doesn't mean a death at this point wouldn't be sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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