When faries fight

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"Can't catch me!" screamed a young farie as she run down the pavement. Why are pavements so damn big she wondered. Lost in her thoughts someone almsot stepped on her.

"OI, BIG FOOT!" she hollered. Not that it would have done any good! Imaptiently she flew up until she was inches from his face. He kept walking "Umm HELLO?!". It was sooo annoying when those stupid idots called humans couldnt see you!

But seriously it was RIDICULOUS how expensive the humna drug was nowadays she thought angrily to herself before suddenly a string arm put her in a painful headlock making her thoughts evapourate.

NOTE: Humna drug: 

A drug made from powdered purple spotted mushroom found by the river zamboza and mixed with dragon scales, a unicorn hair and spit from the queen frog. Allows faries to be seen by humans. For an amount to make you visable to humans for one hour it would cost between 500 frash and 600 frash.

"HAHAHA!! I caught you! Now you have to pay me 10 placks!" her so called friend, Roxy, gloated.

She had caramel hair that fell all the way down to her feet in waves. Her purple eyes constantly shined with life and the deep violet matched her lilac wings.

Roxy always appeared polite, well mannered and safe but really she was a cheeky minx who gambled and swore and went to human night clubs with her more daring friends.

She also tricked pixies in her spare time to amuse herself. The two faries had placed a bet on a race to see wether Roxy could catch Honey within a minute of human time ( half an hour in fairy time) and if she could honey had to give her 10 placks.

NOTE: Rates, Placks, Gruys, Frash: 

This is fairy money; 

100 rates - 1 plack 

50 placks - 1 gruy 

100 gruys - 1frash 

Equivilant to human money 

1 rate - £5 

1 plack - £100 

1 gruy - £1000 

1 frash - £100,000

Reluctantly Honey handed Roxy the money. Roxy rubbed it around in her fingers grinning widely. Honey frowned. Annoying bitch she thought! Grabbing her wand from the folds of her skirt she fluttered her wings and flew off to the outskirts of London. Flying down to the familiar looking field she landed lightly and took a few steps towards a massive oak tree on the edge of the field.

Pressing her hand against the bark a small door opened for ger abd she stepped inside.

The noise hit her suddenly but it only took a few seconds for her ears to adjust to the sound of the biggest fairy settlement on earth.

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