Spilling Secrets..............

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Walking back to the Cullen's, errr should I say my house since I live there now?? Oh well. Walking back to my house, I knew I could tell Jazzy or the others about the secret. I know Sebastian means the secret about me being telekinetic, but when he said secret, I thought of Hazel. I don't know where she is. She just dissapeared and I missed her. She was like my daughter since I could never have one. I might not be girly, but I always wanted a child.

"Jezebel!" Jasper exclaimed when he caught sight of me. He rushed towards me and pulled me into an embrace. "Are you okay?" His eyes searched my face like he used to, when we were human. But nothing could cut my skin now. Well, almost nothing.

"Yeah, Jazzy, I'm fine." My voice was flat and lifeless, nothing like my usual excited and hyper voicde. Of course he noticed. I could feel him testing my emotions around me.

"What's the matter?" JAsper asker, concerned. Suddenly his eyes flasked. "Did he hurt you? Becasue if he did-" I covered his mouth.

"No jazz," I replied trying to make my voice un-lifeless. "He just brought back bad memories." I patted his cheek, and opened my mouth to tell him about Hazel when Alice gasped. I had forgoten they were in the room.

"Alice!" Jasper was next to her immiediently. "What do you see?" So Alice was having a vision. Her eyes looked... not vacant, but as if she were seeing something far away. I supoed she was though. Edward's face was crumpled in concentration as he watched Alice's vision thgouth her own eyes.

"A little girl, about 12 or 13." My heart plummeted. Could the little girl be Hazel? Edwards eyes flashed to me before he went back to Alice's vison. "The guy who was talking to Jezebel earlier has her. he taking her somewhere."  Sebastian. I should have known he must have had something to do with her disapearance.

"What does she look like?" Jasper demamnded. He was gripping Alice's arms.

"Frizzy brown hair, gold eyes. Vampire." She managed. Hazel. Sebastian has Hazel.

"Where is he taking her?" i asked stuggling to keep my voice calm. "Can you see that?"

"Warehouse or a factory. It's somewere near here, In Seattle." That's all i needed to hear. I swear if Sebastian has harmed Hazel in anyway, I will tear off his balls and burn them. I hear Jasper runing behind me, trying to catch up.

"Jezebel!" He growled. "What are you doing?! Get back here!"

"I can't! I need to save her!"

"Wer need a plan first!"

"SINCE when have I ever went through with a plan?!" He had cuaght up with me now and tackled me. "Jasper!"

"I just got you back! I'm not gonna let you get away again!" Jasper was a good wrestler, he always has been, but the fact that he's about a foot taller than me helps too. I couldn't bring myself to smashing him into the trees. "And what about Embry?" I froze. "If you get yourself killed, what would Embry do then?" I stopped struggling.

"I know her." I whispered, but i knew Jasper heard me. "I made her. She was my friend."

"With a 13-year old?"

"I was lonely!" I screamed. "I regretted making her, for dooming her to this life but she didn't have anyone either! What was I suposed to do? She was the only person i knew who ever wanted to be my friend!" Before I knew what was happening, Jasper crushed me to his chest.


Jacob, Sam said with his mental voice as soon as I had shifted.near the Cullen border.

 I raced behind Jacob, Quil behind me and Seth after that.

What if they got to Nessie? Jacob thought. His head was scattered and his fear for Nessie clouded all of his rational thoughts.

You know they couldn't. I reminded him. Not with Alice being able to see them or Edward hearing them. That seemed to calm him down.

We caught the scent of 3 different vampires. One of them I reconnized. This smeels like the scent Jez had on her when she ran by us.

You're right, it does.... We all lokoed at eah other before sprinting towards the Cullen house. Before we ran out of the trees we shifted and dressed.

Jacob was the first person to reach the House.

"What's going on?" HE asked. "Whys are there new vampire scents?" Everyone paused and that's when I noticed both Jezebel and Jasper were gone. "Hey, where's-" i didn't hear the rest of his question because I was already out the door, searhing for Jez's scent.

"Je!" I called out. Hopefully she was in hearing range.

Jezebel's P.O.V.

"I'm so sorry Jez." Jasper whispered against my hair. You know, I don't remember him being this emontional.

"Gosh, Jazz." I said with a small laugh. "I didn't know you were this big a softie." Jasper pulled back and glared at me.

"Let's just go home." He started pulling my wrist in the dircetion of the Cullen's house.

"I can't." I tugged my arm back, not really wanting to hurt him. "I need to find Hazel."

"Then we'll have the others help us get her back. But right now we need to go home. Embry's worried about you." Oh, duh! he must have figured out that I'm gone by now.

"Race ya!" I yelled running past him, but using my mind to hold him back.

"Not fair!" I heard him yell from behind me. I turned to look at him, to see if he had gotton free yet, but ended up crashing into someone.

 "Jez!" They yeled and crushed me to their chest. Incase you haven't guessed who it is; it's Embry. "I thought something bad had happened to you!"

 "Nah, I'm okay." I replied. His body heat was crazy! It didn't burn but it wasn't pleasent either. "Just some jerkwad vamp. He's really-"

 "Have you found any vampire around here?" Jasper cut me off and faced Embry, Jacob, Quil and Seth. "We seem to  have some future... trouble."

 "Yeah, there was some leech scent near the border." Jacob answered in his husky voice. "Sam doesn't know if you're expecting guests or if they're just rougues."

 "WE're expecting them, but they're not guests." Jasper answered. He motion with his hand for me to follow him. "We were just heading back, so you can ask Carlisle." Without a nother word, he took off and I followed. Somewhere behind me, I didn't bother to look back, I could hear the heavy footsteps of the werewolves.

 "Got her!" Jasper called, pushing open the small glass door. Esme rushhed up and crushed me to her chest.

"Why did you leave?" I couldn't answer her. Not now. Behind Esme was Alice. She had her hands on her hips and gave me a lok that said 'You have some explaining to do.' I gave her a sheepish smile and prepared for her wrath.

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