I've Got Some Explaining to Do

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Esme sat me down on the couch. "Sweetie, we'd love to help you, but you need to tell us what happened."

"A few decades ago, I was in that lonely stage of being a vampire." I started. "I had just became fully in-control of my hunger by becoming a 'vegitarian' and I decided to roam the streets. I know it was a stupid choice because I had just become in control, but I just wanted to feel normal."

It was Austin in 1962.

I took a deep breath of air, and smiled to myself when there was no burning in my throat. It was a full moon that night, and with my new, inhanced eyes, the moon looked even more beautiful. I walked down the streets, smiling to the elders, and waving to the little children whose mothers were rushing to get home.

'Please let me go!' a voice cried. I stiffened as I heard drunken laughter and bottles breaking. A voice cried out and more laaughter rang out. I darted down the street and listened to the noises as I tracked them. There was a little girl, crying, surrounde by drunk, smelly boysin an alley The little girl looked no more than 10 or 11, and it was obvious she was homeless. her scent was dirty and her clothes were ragged and filthy.

'Stop.' I demanded. The boys looked at me as if I was crazy, and maybe I was. I had no business being in this mess, but I couldn't just let this happen.

'or what?' One of the boys sneered. I didn't look at all threatning in my frilly pink dress.

"Or else." I snarled. The boys blinked in suprise at me. One of them smashed his glass bottle on the brick wall and held it to the girls head.

'ow about you walk away and tell no one and we'll let you get out of here unharmed.' A different one said. I laughed. SUddenly i darted toward the one closest to me and oushed him against the wall, using half of my strength. There was a loud crack! as his head hit the wall. The other boys eyes widened as they saw that I was suddenly on the other side of the alley.

'Listen, bit-' before he could finish, I was running over and smashing their heads together. They collasped on the ground and the glass bottle hit the floor, ringing loudly in my ear. The little girl huddled in the corner on the alley, staring at me in shock, but not horror.

'I'm not going to hurt you.' I said and held out my hand to her. She slowly put her hand in mine. 'I'm Jezebel. What's your name?'

'Hazel.' She replied in a soft voice.

'How old are you, Hazel?'

'12. I'm just small.' I laughed.

'I know how you feel. I'm 18, but you couldn't guess it from looking at me." Hazel smiled at me.

'Thank you. For saving me."

"You're very welcome. Come on. I'll get you some clean clothes and food."
"Hazel was quiet and sweet and so smart. She was the best friend that i had ever had. We had always had fun."
I grabbed Hazel's hands, and stared into her eyes.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes!" I started spinning, keeping my grip on her hands. She rose up in the air, spinning in circles with me. Her smile was infectious and soon we were laughing and screaming.

I slowed down and pulled her to me, making sure her feet landed on the ground.

"How can you spin the fast while holding me?" Hazel questioned. I shrugged.

"Just a gift, i guess." She shot me a look, but said nothing. "Come on, its getting dark, we should go back home."

"She lived with me in a dusty little house, which caused a lot of gossip in the neighborhood. But She never told me what happened to her family, only that they were gone. Every time i tried to ask her where they were, she would change the subject, and eventually i took a hint."
"What happened to you family?" I asked. Hazel wrung her hands in her lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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