The Last Day

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     I stood there shaking in fear. "Christie am waiting" the teacher called out. I wanted to vomit, I wanted to run away, all the home and crawl into my bed. "Christie!" she said in a more serious tone. My eyes started watering. I struggled to hold back the tears. "Is she crying?" I heard someone whisper, "such a dork", "loser".  I bit my lip. Kill me now I thought. "Christie you have 5 seconds to start reading that paper or you'll take and F" the teacher said starring at me right in the eyes. "5...4...3...2..1" I stood there like a statue while she counted down. "Okay , your choice F" she said marking it down in the grade book. "Kelly your next" she said looking down. I rushed down the aisle to my seat. I plumped myself in the seat and took out my drawing book. I hate English, I hate this I thought to myself. I drew picture of a little girl crying near a lake. The lake was filled with blood instead of water and the little girl was sitting on the bank crying with her teddy bear in one hand. A tear escaped and ran down my cheek and hit the paper right on the teady bear. It felt like bullet had just gone through the paper. I starred at the paper, long and hard, the memories came back, filling my head with the terrbile week at the Lake House which destoryed my family, literally.

10 years ago-

"Christie honey I have a surprise for you, Michelle, and Joseph" my father said smiling. Michelle and I starred eagerly at my father wating to hear the surprise, while my brother starred at supper. My mom soon finished laying down the food that could feed a whole army. There was corn, steak, stew, chicken, mashed poatoes, gravy, vegtables, and juice. Neatly laid on the lace white table cloth which covered our rectangular chestnut table, that my father made from hand. "Daddy c'mon tell us" Michelle said making a puppy dog face. "Fine...This family is going to a Lake House!!" he said excitedly. Michelle had a disappointed look on her face. My father saw that face and continued talking. "Wait you didn't let me finsh..We are going on an airplane-" my scream of joy cut him off. I'd never been on an airplane before,and this would be my first experince and I would get to remember it. "Thanks sweetie for that brust of excitment" my mother said looking concerned. 

"Okay..Okay" my father said trying to calm the family (mostly me). "We are taking the plane to L.A!!" he said smiling, now it was my sister turn to scream. "L.A?! You mean the L.A?!! Oh my gosh! What am going to wear, what am going to pack!? No I need to Jenny and Marissa!! L.A! Celebrities!! Someone pinch me am dreaming..Ouch Joesph!!" my sister said. "You said pinch me" he said smiling. She kissed my father on the cheek and ran upstaris to her room to tell Jenny and Marissa. "For a 12 year old she freaks out a lot" my dad said laughing. 

"Dad..where's my suprise?" Joesph asked. "Huh? What surprise?" my dad asked confused. "You know Michelle gets to go to L.A, Christie goes on an airplane..and I" he said letting my dad finsh the sentence. " about I take the family to your favorite resturant on the night before the trip, and take you to the amusement park when we get there" my dad said starring at Joesph. "Sweet...maybe I'll meet some hot babes in bikinis" he said nodding.

"Sicko!" I yelled. Michelle came running downstairs. "OMG can Jenny and Marissa join us for supper?" she asked putting on hand on her phone. "Why not" my mother said. "Awesome" she said before continuing her converstation. She finally hung the phone and rejoined the family. "When are they going to be here?" my mother asked lookin worried. "In 3..2..1" soon as Michelle said that the doorbell rang.  She opened the door to Jenny and Marissa. " Hi Mr. and Mrs. Foster" they said waving. "Hi girls, please sit" my mother said pointing the two seats.

As soon as they sat down the talking began. The night was filles with laughs and cheering. I felt at home, so happy I couldn't explain it. I couldn't wait to go to L.A

Friday Night At Red Lobster-

"The food smells delicious!" my mother said, "sure beats cooking". "Daddy, how long is it  going to take to fly to L.A?" I asked taking a biscuit. "From Celevand Ohio to L.A. is about 4 hours by plane"he said muching on some shrimp. "4 hours?!" Michelle yelled. "Mitch keep your voice down" said my mother. Mitch was a name my mother like to use with Michelle to get her attention. "Sorry.. just that 4 hours is a long time..." she replied. "Well our flights at 8 so you should there by 3 in the morning latest" my father said smiling. "3 in the morning!?" we all yelled. "Is there are problem?" my father asked innocently. "Richard couldn't you get us and early time like 1pm?" my mother asked angrily. "No Amber, it was a cheap deal! Am just trying to save us money. This trip cost us a lot of money and I don't want to hear complaining!" my father said look at all 3 of us. 

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