Secretly Immortal: Chapter Three!

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             My stomach dropped at the sight of the two guys that marched into the office. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My heart skipped a few beats more than it should have. I was relaxed and immediately reminded of my safety at the sight of a lock of black hair that fell into my eyes. I blew it away, and I caught the glimpse of the Catcher that had chased me raise an eyebrow. This was the same raising of the eyebrow that made my heart melt the first I saw him.

I slowly turned my head to look at Blair, or Jade now, to see the same look of fear and anticipation mirrored on her face. It was so weird looking at Blair and seeing 'Jade'. The only thing that kept her recognizable to me were those lavender eyes that remained embedded in both of our faces no matter who we transformed into.

“They will show you to your classes. Dex has your first class, Jade, so he’ll show you to it,” the lady in the office said with a smile. “Indigo, Dash has your first class, and will gladly show you to it.” The lady put extra emphasis on ‘gladly’ as he rolled his gorgeous green-brown eyes at her. I could tell just by the few expressions I had seen him possess that he was arrogant.

“Brooklyn,” Blair whispered so softly I could barely hear her. I turned to face her, my eyes widening. Blair cleared her throat.

“I mean Indigo, see you in French class,” she winked. I inferred that she was rather afraid to have Dex show her to her classroom, but secretly, I could tell that she was excited. Without saying a word, Jade followed him out of the office and down the hall, in the complete opposite direction of where I was headed. I swallowed nervously and waited for Dash to move. He looked at me with a face in which I could not interpret. I felt myself getting warm under his gaze, but the ice in my body chilled my nerves. Dash swung open the door, and held it for me.

“After you, my dear,” he said, smiling sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

“Such a gentleman,” I replied venomously. I marched out of the office, and I heard him make one of those cat-snarling-“attitude!” sounds. I waited for him to walk in front of me. After all, I was new around this place.

I stalked behind him, not saying a word. With my increased height, I was only a few inches shorter than him now. His hair was styled in the same way as it had been on the dock. My relentless fear continued to fray my nerves as I followed Dash down the hall. I knew he couldn’t recognize me, but it was only a thin cover that hid my true identity. My constant lavender eyes were like enormous craters in that cover. Who else in the world has those eyes aside from Immortals?

“So, Indigo, is it?” Dash slowed his pace to match his step with mine.  

“Yes,” I said tentatively. I still wasn’t used to my new name or appearance.

“So how come you and your sister, I’m guessing, have come here in the middle of the school year? And to this place,” he queried. Dang it, Blair and I hadn’t come up with a background story. We also didn’t have a reason why we chose gangster-chic as a cover-up.

“You from here?” Dash continued, not awaiting an answer.

            “Uh, no, well, uh, we are, uh, from Houston, yeah, that’s it!” I sputtered, remembering how the lady from the office had mentioned that we were math geniuses from Houston, Texas. I inwardly gave my sarcastic thanks to LIP for providing such a lousy background factor. Dash rolled his beautiful eyes, and he looked at me expectantly.

            “And we came here in the middle of the year because….” I searched my mind desperately for a convincing story.

            “Because…..?” Dash cocked an eyebrow.

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