Secretly Immortal: Chapter Thirteen!

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           Sorry it took me a LIFETIME to upload! Hopefully a long chapter will make up for it ;) Enjoy!


            I awoke to the sky looking darker than it had when I’d gone to sleep. An enormous clap of thunder sent me, tangled in the sheets, tumbling to the floor. I grumbled in annoyance. Rain splattered the window, and the sky lit up every couple of minutes with sharp lightning. What a wonderful Monday morning.

            After noticing an absent Blair in the bed, I went downstairs to look for her. I found her sitting at the kitchen table with messy hair and smoldering black streaks dried on her cheek.

            “What the—Where have you been? What happened?” I said, motioning to her frazzled state and the chic article draped on her body.

            “I went to a party last night with Nathan and Jessi. I would have told you, but you were asleep. I saw what you did to Miranda,” she said, smiling slightly at her last statement. I chuckled, still confused as to why her eyeliner was on her cheeks instead of on her lash lines. Blair’s smiled faded, and she looked at me, new tears threatening to spill.

“Brook, there’s something I’ve been lying to you about,” she began. My blood sizzled a little.

            “What is it?” I said, hiding my hurt. Blair hesitated for a moment. My heart began to race. This couldn’t be good.

            “I’ve been sort of seeing Dex,” she whispered, tip-toeing around the word ‘seeing’.

            “What do you mean ‘seeing’?” I asked, my eyebrows knitting together in confusion. Blair looked at me, willing for me to know what she meant. And I did.

            “You mean actually ‘seeing’ him? Like you guys are dating?” I asked. She nodded.

            "Well, not anymore.."

            “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked after a few moments of silence.

            “I’m sorry, Brooklyn! I didn’t know what you’d think! I thought you’d tell me to stop seeing him, and guess what? You would have been right. I should have told you. He’s a stupid boy, who frickin’ betrayed me, and I hate him,” she cried, new tears pouring out of her ducts.

            “But I thought he was with Stephanie,” I said, taking a seat across from her on the couch.

            “Yeah, but it was supposed to be a cover up. He told me loved me, not her. I walked in on them last night at the party,” she sniffled. I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. My feelings for Dash were growing ever stronger, and I couldn’t bring myself to tell Blair. I just needed to forget about him. I’d just make my feelings go away.

            “I know you must hate me,” Blair said, looking defeated. I shook my head.

            “I don’t hate you, Blair. You’re my sister, and I love you. I do feel a little betrayed that you didn’t tell me, though. You can trust me with anything, you know,” I told her, feeling like a hypocrite. She nodded.

            “He fired us.”


            “He fired us,” Blair repeated. “We can no longer clean house.”

            “Blair…” I started in a warning tone. “Where are we gonna get money now?”

            “I don’t know! I’m sorry!” She cried, exasperated. I sighed. I closed my eyes. After a moment of silence, Blair poked my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2012 ⏰

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