4. All good.

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Yawning, I tied my brown cardigan around my waist as I entered the kitchen. The sun was shining through the blinds, replacing the need of turning the lights on. I pulled the fridge open and grabbed my breakfast essentials. It was quite early in the morning, nearing half past eight. I was still jetlagged from Bali so that was maybe why I woke up so early, with a booze smelling boyfriend next to me. I was still a little startled at the fact that he showed up at my apartment at 12 o'clock, in the middle of the night, when I bet the album release party hadn't even finished. But I wasn't complaining. I had missed him a lot so it was a good thing that he came here. He could've been a bit more sober, but oh well. I knew that he was going to be so hungover so I filled a tall glass with water and grabbed the painkiller packet, taking them to the bedroom. I crept the door open slowly, checking if he was still sleeping. No movement or sound was heard, so I then proceeded to take the things I was holding to the nightstand. Justin was still wearing his last nights clothes because I knew that if I tried to take them off, it would take me more than three days. He was too heavy. Tiptoeing away from the room, I closed the door and went back to the kitchen. I prepared myself a nice breakfast and ate it peacefully.

My work assignments lied in front of me on the kitchen table. I stared at them with gritted teeth. I knew by the look of it that I had a lot to do. I had made some plans to see my friend Laura, who I met in college. She had some school work since she was still studying and I had my work so why wouldn't we do them together at a nice coffee shop. It's a better way to do boring things than just stay home, struggling to keep up with your motivation.

I swallowed the last spoon of strawberry yogurt, following with a gulp of detox water. Which reminded me that I hadn't been at the gym for a very long time. Ever since I started working, I found myself really lazy. I guess the fact that I was at the office from dawn till dusk exhausted me, even though in reality it wasn't that bad. My work ended at 5pm but I was still too tired to go anywhere after that. I didn't know how Justin handled his work. He was at the studio literally all the time. He sometimes even spent the nights there, working on other peoples albums and stuff. But he still managed to stay in shape and at times even get a good sleep.

I grabbed the thick file and started ruffling through it, getting even more horrified when I saw what I needed to do. Design an alternative cover for August's issue? They must be kidding me. I stretched my arm a little further to the table to pull my MacBook to me. I opened it grudgingly, it going straight to my email. And boy, did I have a lot of mails. This months issue, the stories to August's issue, everything issue. Oh dear Lord.

I was so into my emails that I didn't hear Justin entering the kitchen so I squealed when he pulled the chair next to me to sit down.

"Gee, calm down. It's me." his voice was as hoarse and raspy as it could be.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, breathless and startled from the scare.

"What- I'm sitting?" he squinted his eyes and leaned his forehead against his forearms that were lying on the table.

He was clearly hungover. He wasn't even wearing a shirt, only a pair of basketball shorts that he had left here a couple of months ago. His hair was a complete mess with a pillow print on the back of his head. I brought my gaze back to my computer's screen and continued the search of the things that need to on August's cover.

"Did you take the painkiller on the nightstand?" I mumbled against my hand as I leaned my chin on it.

"Mm." was the only reply I got out of him.

He was definitely hungover. And I found it hilarious.

"Why'd you come here so early? It was 12 when you came."

Unconditional (Sequel to Senior Year - jb)Where stories live. Discover now