Chapter 6

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Malia's POV
"I like someone else." I replayed that in my head. I felt so, crushed. So stupid. So unwanted. All this time, I thought I actually had a shot with him, how funny. It was clear he still had feelings for Lydia. So why did I think he would like me? I'm just stupid, that's all. I felt my eyes start to water, I tried blinking them away, but I couldn't. It was too much to blink away, I was hurt too much.

Stiles' POV
I backed away from her as I said those words. How did that happen? I can't believe I said that. Malia's expression changed, She was hurt. I regretted saying that. My expression to her had so much guilt. I badly wanted to hug her, and apologize. But, I couldn't. It was too late, now. I saw there was a tear drop rolling down her face. I felt like slamming myself to a wall, for making Malia feel this way. What a stupid mistake I made.
"Malia- I" I began.
She smiled with her teeth and chuckled. "I should go"
She quickly gathererd her things and left. Left me standing in the middle of my room, looking at my window. Left me full of regret. But, I'm the one who hurt her. Im the one who broke her.

Malia's POV
I exited Stiles room in a hurry. After I left his room, I started balling. I didn't have to hold those tears back anymore. I started walking, I didn't have a car, and Stiles always drove me places, so I began walking to my house, 15 minutes away. How lovely. I prayed I wouldn't see anyone, especially seeing me cry. I sat down, near the road. Just crying.
In the corner of my eye, i saw a car coming towards me. A nice grey car.
The window rolled down, and It was Lydia.

"Malia!" I heard.
She got out of the car and hurried towards where I was sitting, hands burried in my face.
"Malia, What's wrong? Kira told me everything, and I really wanna know what happened." I looked up, and saw she was concerned.
"Nothing, I-I'm fine." I stuttered.
"Believe me, If I was stupid I would believe that, but, you're not fine, so tell me."
"S-Stiles" I started crying so much and so hard. I weeped.
"Stay here." Lydia had a angry look, she got in her car and disappeared out of my view as she drove down the street. I continued crying.

Stiles POV
I heard my doorbell ring. I hoped it was Malia, coming back to give me a second chance. I smilied widely as I opened the door.
Suddenly my smile escaped as someone slapped me across my face.
"Lydia??" I cried out.
"Stiles, you're SO stupid." Lydia said walking into my house.
"Wha-what are you doing here?" I said stunned.
"What happened with you and Malia?" She asked ignoring my questions.
As I told her everything, she had this 'Wow, nice going, Stiles' look. Which was a very common look from everyone I know.
"I told her I liked someone else" I finished.
She hit me on the head, again.
"Stiles! How could you be this blind? And stupid at the same time?? Do you not think before you act?" Lydia kept talking, and talking.
"Why do you keep hitting me?" I asked rubbing my bruise.
"Stiles, do you like Malia?" She asked me. I thought.
"I.. I don't know. She makes my heart pounce out of my chest whenever I see her. She makes my stomach feel like butterflies. She makes me melt when she talks to me. She's wonderful, She's ordinary, She's... the one." I said.
"Stiles" Lydia smilied. "Go find her, and tell her that."
"I will! Thanks Lyds!" I ran out of my house.
"I like her, I like Malia a lot." I muttered.

Hey guys! Thank you soomuchhh for reading chapter 6! I really liked writing it since it had so much stuff going on! Maybe in the comments tell me what you'd like for the future chapters? Thank you again xx.
Instagram: @officialstalia

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