Chapter 13

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Malia's POV

Stiles kissed me. He kissed me. For real this time, this meant everything. I thought he didn't like me but, It so crazy how things turned out. I had butterflies in my stomach every time I talked to him, It was just such a unbelievable and incredible feeling I had towards him. Although surprisingly, I liked it.

We were both still standing in the near entrance of the school, making out for a long while. I was beginning to think If I should just call it a successful day and go home, but a part of me wanted more.
Stiles was holding my waist, tightly. His hands were moving down lower. Our kisses lasted forever. Yet, they were getting steamy. I slightly giggled when his hands reached my butt. Our tounges danced together. We were still standing outside the school. Just to think, I was going to walk home and study. This was so much better. We both smilied while kissing each other.

Stiles' POV

Everything turned out perfect. I kissed Malia, I wasn't sure If she liked it, but I was yet so relieved when she kissed me back. It made me feel so happy. Looking back on everything, I realized.. I've never been this happy before.

"Malia?" I asked, moaning.
"Why don't we take this somewhere else?" I smirked, while sliding his hands down my upper thigh.
Malia pulled away from the kiss. Our bodies still squishing together. "Like where?" She asked, smiling.
Malia had this sexy look, the whole time we were kissing. I just couldn't stand it.
I chuckled, while she was still smirking.
"My place?" I asked, my look turning into a sheepish smile.
"Stiles.. Be careful what you wish for.." Malia smirked.
"Oh, Believe me, I won't regret my wish, just grant it for me, will ya, babe?" I said, pouting.
She kissed me.
"You're crazy" She told me.

Malia's POV

I cocked an eyebrow, yet agreeing. Way too fast. I mean, of course our time in Echien House, was way way too fast. I didn't know at that time. I was a were coyote, Like they know what rushing in a relationship means. Since, im practically human, I've began to understand so many things. It all makes a lot of sense to me now. I seem realived, but I do miss my inner coyote.

"Well, we could go back to my place, and watch some movies?" Stiles said.
"Star Wars?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Stiles sighed "No not Star Wars!"
"Why does everyone think im obsessed with Star Wars? I mean, I am, but"
I shushed Stiles by kissing him.
"Craaazyy" I said in a high pitched noise.
He smilied, rolling his eyes.
"I would love to go to your place." I winked.

We rode in his jeep, since It was there at the time. Holding hands, while in the car. Even though I don't know what we are. But, I like it. It was late evening ish, which the sunset that we saw was truly beautiful. It was bright orange. It was a breathtaking view.

"Malia?" Stiles said.
"Yeah, Stiles?"
"I really like you.. You know that, right?" He told me.
"Say it again, will ya?" I smilied.
He laughed. "In all honesty, I'm crazy about you, Mal. No one could take what we have away from us." I knew he was talking about Lydia, It just came to mind.
"And no one will.. I hope." I say, biting my lip.
He smiles. Letting go of my hand, and placing it on my thigh.
"I really like you too." I say.
"What a relief" He says, jokingly.The rest of the car ride was with us smiling, stupidly and silence filling the car. When we finally reached his house, I was a little bit tired, but willing to do anything.
"Shall we?" Stiles asked, jumping out of the car and opening the door for me.
"Oh, Stiles.." I laughed. "What a gentleman" I snickered, sarcastically.
"Wow, okay" Stiles said, pretending to be hurt emotionally.
I shushed him by kissing his lips.
"Shh." I said.
"Let's take this upstairs, unless you want to get mugged." Stiles gestured.
"If anything, they can have claw and teeth marks on their-" I stopped.
"Oh. I forgot." I said, stupidly.
"Don't worry, Mal. Ill buy you a bat." He winked, holding my waist.
"Gee, sounds wonderful. May I ask.. Did using the bat ever work?"
Stiles frowned, embaressed. "Well, not regular bats, per se.."

The perfect evening ended up with Stiles and I cuddling, until we fell asleep.
"I like you" I whispered, before falling asleep.

"Oh, cmon.. You love me." Stiles replied. In the dark.
I giggled quietly.
I do love him.

// 858 words getting better? 😏
Hello! tried making it cute oml. I had this chapter ready a while ago but I'm feeling very distant from Teenwolf and their ships lately. Anyone else feel like this? It doesn't really make me happy as It did before, but don't worry though! I will still keep posting stories, and ill post regularly on my Instagram. Gimme some ideas for future chapters? Thank you so much for reading ❤️

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