Chapter 3

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Charity's POV

I woke up to two people arguing. I looked around to see I was laying in the back seat and the door where my feet were was open. Standing outside my door was Tyler and Chad yelling at each other.

"I get to carry her cause I'm the Beta"

"So! She likes me better!" Chad yelled with a smirk.

"Will you both shut up I'm carrying her!" Colton said as he pushed them and came to my door with a annoyed look on his face.
As soon as he saw me awake he softened his face and gave me a tiny smile.

"Okay come on we need to get you to the pack Doctor." He said picking me up bridal style. My eyes widened as I looked up at him but I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck and hid my face in his chest embarrassed. I could feel when we entered their pack house and I felt many stares but didn't move. Once we got to the doctors he set me down on a bed and turned to the doctor.

"This is my mate. She's from the Red Moon Pack." The doctors eyes widened but nodded in understanding. The doctor was tall, maybe about 6' and was very well built. He had tan skin, soft brown eyes and hair and looked to be around 30 years old. MY eyes snapped to Alpha coltons in shock. Did-did he just say mate?

"Hello darling, what's your name?"

"C-Charity" I said looking at the doctor and Colton.

"What a beautiful name. My name is Doctor Anderson but you can call me Doc. Now I want to do a simple check up on you to make sure your healthy is that all right?" The doctor asked giving me a small smile. I looked over at Colton and he nodded at me.

"Sure" I mumbled as I felt the fear start to take hold.

"Okay great! Here is a hospital gown you can change into in the bathroom right there." I grabbed it and climbed down, a little wobbly, but managed to walk to the bathroom. As I changed into it my stomach growled making me realized I haven't eaten in three days. I walked back out and sat down to see it was just the doctor now.

"Sorry darling, but Alpha had to go take care of a problem he should be back in a minute. Now let's start the check up." As he started to give me a check up my thoughts went to my pack and father. I knew that he would come looking for me and that thought alone sent shivers down my spine. I was a dead. I was brought out of my thoughts when the doctor asked if it would be okay to look at my ribs. I hesitate but nodded my head. He grabbed a blanket to put on my lap and then asked me to lift my gown up to my chest. I knew he saw all the bruises but he just gave me a sad smile and felt my stomach. I was embarrassed. I turned my head towards the door hearing a noise and saw Colton standing there scowling at my stomach.

"Okay I'm all done here. The bruises will go away eventually as will the cuts but you need to start eating three times a day and drink lots of water. Start with small meals until you think you can stomach more. Just don't push yourself and risk getting sick."

"I'll make sure she's taken care of." Colton said walking over to me.

"Good. I'll see you around darling." Doc said giving me a smile and bowing then turned walking to another room. 

I Knew what Alpha Colton saw. And it was not mate material for an Alpha of his status. He must not be happy with me. I know I wouldn't be If I was him. I kept my head down as he walked over to me. He held out his hand and i gripped it as i got down once more. He grabbed a blanket wrapping it around me and then leaned down caching my eyes. He held my chin so that I couldn't look away as he studied me.

"I'm so happy I found you." He whispered then kissed my forehead. "Come on let's go get you cleaned up and fed." I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand leading me to a room. 

"I'm going to go get you some clothes. You can go take a shower and ill leave them on the bed, okay princess?" Colton asked.

"Okay, thank you." I whispered as I walked into the bathroom. I suddenly froze as I looked around the bathroom. There was a giant black marble jacuzzi tub that was bigger then any tub id ever seen. Next to it a matching shower stood. The sink was marble too and had two one on each side of the counter, one holding a lot of men's products. 

I stripped off the gown and started the shower. I stepped under the water and watched the steam rise off my body and dirt run down it. I had just taken one but when they put me back to work they really made me do the worst of the chores. I had to use the men's shampoo and conditioner because that's all there was. I found an extra razor and shaved my body, for the first time in a while, then washed my body down and turned off the water. Stepping out of the shower I dried off and cracked the door open. I saw some clothes on the bed and ran out grabbing them and then ran back into the bathroom. Unfolding the clothes I saw that there was black lace undergarments, white fuzzy crew socks, black leggings, and a light blue oversized sweatshirt. After slipping on the clothes, I used the new toothbrush that was on top of the clothes and then grabbed a brush to comb my hair before putting it in a braid down my back. 

I walked out and then headed to the bedroom door. Opening it I looked both ways down the hall and smelt the most mouth watering smell that's ever graced my nose. Following it I made my way to the kitchen to see a lady humming and cooking food. She looked to be in her early 50's and had a friendly aroma around her. She turned around facing me and her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Oh my dear aren't you beautiful!" I blushed at her compliment and looked down. I would not call me beautiful.

"Oh none of that! Come sit down and let me feed you!" She said pulling me into a stool at the island counter and placed a big plate full of food. I would ever be able to eat all this. I mean who would? All of a sudden I heard yelling and two guys walked in from another door, shoving at each other as their eyes started to glow. fear took hold of me because I was far to familiar with that look and the pain I received afterwards. I shrunk away from them as I tried not to freak out. Just when they started to get closer Colton walked in, took one look at me, and turned to the men in anger.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" He yelled an the two guys instantly stopped and ran out of the kitchen. He walked over to me and I flinched. He stopped in front of me and I looked up to see he wasn't angry but waiting for me to look at him.

"Its okay princess." He said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head then sat down.
"Can I get some Ma?"

"Of course honey!"  She handed him a plate and then turned around and started to clean up.

"How are you doing?" He asked turning to me.

"I'm doing better. Thanks to you."

"Anytime..." He said smiling at me. He was about to say something else to me but a guy ran in.

"A-Alpha sorry for interrupting but we have a intruder from the Red Moon Pack" Colton stiffened and stood up deadly calm.

"Go get Tyler and Chad. I will be there in a minuet." He looked at me noticing the fear radiating off of me. He leaned over me tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Don't worry they won't take you from me." He said kissing me on the cheek and turning to his mom.

"Take care of her for me Ma, I'll be right back." He turned around and walked out the door. I watched as he left and couldn't shake the feeling of dread as he disappeared.

Edited 1/28/21

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