Chapter 4

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Charity POV

I sat in the kitchen with my leg bouncing not knowing what to do.

"Come on dear I'll take you back to your room." The lady said.

"Okay." I said quietly and followed behind her. When we got back to the room she smiled at me.
"Don't worry dear everything is okay, Colton won't let anything happen to you." I nodded my head and then entered the room. 

I didn't really get to see the room before but now that I was in here for who knows how long I checked it out. There was a giant California king size bed in the center draped with navy blue blankets the walls were a soft cream color and The carpet was white and fluffy. There was dark wood furniture and a giant tv hanging from the wall opposite of the bed. I made my way to the bed and grabbed the remote on the nightstand next to it. I carefully sat on the bed and turned on the TV switching through the channels. I don't know how long I was in there but I eventually fell asleep on the surface of the silk sheets. I was awoken by the door slamming open and Colton storming through the door looking around. Tyler and Chad were right behind him looking really worried. I looked back at Colton to see his red eyes staring at me. My eyes widened at I instantly started to back up and shake with fear. Then a fierce growl erupted from Colton and I froze tears spilling to my cheeks.

"Charity don't move..." Tyler said quietly and calmly

"Colton is on the verge of letting his wolf take over. When he heard them threaten your life his wolf got furious which isn't good considering Colton all ready has a short temper..." Chad said looking from me back to Colton, who stood there on the verge of turning wolf. That was really not good cause he could cause a lot of damage and could hurt someone when letting your wolf fully take over blind with rage.

"W-what d-do I do?" I said nervously.

"Me and Tyler have to leave cause his wolf is already in high alert but you need to calm him down...he won't hurt you." He said as they slowly backed out. I started to get up but stopped when he growled. He thought I was going with them. I slowed down and slowly walked toward him shaking slightly. I had to calm him. After everything he's done to help me.

"C-Colton?" He growled lowly with his eyes intensely staring at me as if he thinks I'm going to disappear.

"It's okay I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..." I whispered as I stopped right in front of him. All of a sudden his arm shot out and he grabbed me pulling me into his chest and breathing me in. I let out a surprised shout as he picked me up. He walked to the bed and sat on it pulling me to straddle him as he clutched to me trying to control his wolf. The door flew open and Tyler and Chad rushed through. Colton started to growl again pulling me even more into his chest as he stuck his face into my neck.

"MINE." he growled into my neck

"I'm yours Colton." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. I looked over to them and nodded my head signaling I was okay. They watched for a second before they relaxed and left again. After a couple minutes his breathing slowed and he laid back with me still in his arms. I pulled a blanket over us and snuggled deeper into him, just breathing in his scent.

"Ill keep you safe Princess. Just don't leave me." he whispers.

"I won't...I promise" I replied. He instantly relaxed with his arms around me and fell asleep as I continued to run my fingers through his hair.

As I thought about all that's happened since I met him I smiled. He saved me and I actually do feel safe with him. There will be things I need to get used to and ill need to learn to not be so afraid. I know he won't ever hurt me on purpose and I can tell we already have strong feeling for each other even though we haven't known each other for long. I ran my finger over his face as he pulled me closer and closed my eyes falling asleep peacefully for the first time in forever.

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