Chapter 9

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Colten's POV

We approached the door to the bunker slowly spreading out to surround it. Me, Tyler, and Chad silently crept up to the door making sure no others were around. After nodding to the others the door was opened and we slowly crept in. I new my pack could handle anyone that came after us. We shifted into human form and threw on the shorts we had secured to us when we were in wolf form. I followed the scent of my mate down the hall and the smell of her blood hit my nose.

When I opened the door to the room she was held in my heart shattered. There she was broken and bloody and chained. I slowly walked to her and knelt beside her.

"Princess? Baby? Come on wake up. I need you to wake up for me." I said pulling her head into my lap as Tyler and Chad released her chains. "Let me see those pretty eyes."

Slowly her eyes started to open and she looked at me.


"Hey princess it me."

She watched me for a couple seconds and then let out a sob. My wolf was raging inside me at the condition our mate was in and it took everything in me to stay focused. I carefully lifted her into my arms as her head rolled back to weak to stay conscious. We made our way out and found our pack members engaged in a fight with other wolves. Looking across at the edge of the forest I saw the man responsible for everything happening. I'm gonna kill him.

"Tyler. " I called. "Take her into the woods and wait for me there." I said as I carefully handed her to him. Id never seen him so serious.

"I will protect her with my life." He said holding her to him and he looked down at her lovingly. "I got you Charity." I relaxed knowing she was safe with him and Chad immediately backed up Tyler as they headed to the forest.

 As they disappeared from view I turned back to her father. He was standing to the left edge of the clearing watching everything. The rouges fighting against my pack were a lot weaker then us and they were soon starting to fall behind. I took my shorts off and shifted again charging towards him. He saw me and quickly shifted into his own wolf.

We circled each other watching to see who would strike first. Of course he did as if to show of his dominance. He lunged at me knocking me to the floor and tried to bite my neck. I quickly flipped over and got up attacking his back legs and biting down. I needed to end this fast. My mate needed me. He whined and then bit into my tail so I kicked him in the face and attacked his side. Releasing me he clawed my stomach as I jumped at him. Pain rippled through me but I shook it off and clawed his face. As he closed his eyes in pain and I locked my jaw around his throat and tore it out. His body fell to the floor and I shook his head in my mouth a couple times before tossing it away. I looked around to see the last of the rouges being taken care of and told my pack that once they were finished to go home.

After thanking them I ran towards the scent of my mate. I jumped through the trees to see Chad in a defensive pose growling at me as Tyler crouched hiding her behind his back. When they saw it was me they relaxed and let me see her. She was sitting against a tree with her eyes closed. I went up to her slowly hearing Tyler and Chad backing away to give us some space and nudged her with my nose. Whining, I licked her face and she opened her eyes to me. I nudged her again and laid down and she slowly climbed onto my back. I got up when she steadied her self and begun to run back home careful to not jostle her.

I didn't stop once I reached my pack lands. I went straight to our room and shifted once I slipped her off me and onto the bed. I picked her up and brought her into the bathroom and started the bath. 

As it ran I slowly and carefully pulled her clothes off. I turned off the bath once it was full and gently set her inside. I begun to wash her hair and body and then let her just sit in there. She watched me the whole time and then yanked on my arm. I looked at her confused.

"Get in." she said.

I watched her for a second and then got up from my spot beside the bath and slipped in, still naked from shifting, sitting in front of her so I could face her. She turned around and laid against me bringing my arms around and entwining our fingers. I finally relaxed. Now that I had her in my arms and held her to me, loving the way her body felt against mine the stress and worry slipped away. I couldn't keep my hands off her.

When the water started to get cold I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my waist and then pulled her out and wrapped one around her. I set her on the bed and grabbed boxers slipping them on and then one of my shirts for her. Once I dried her off I pulled the shirt over her and pulled the covers back. She slipped into them and I followed tucking her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry Princess. It's all my fault." I whispered. Her eyes flew to mine full of shock.

"What? Col it's not your fault."

"Yes it was. If I had been there for you then you wouldn't have been taken." I said. She reached up and wiped a tear that fell down my cheek.

"No Col, it was my fathers. I don't want you to blame yourself because I don't." She said as she gently kissed my face. I grabbed her cheeks and slammed my lips to hers in a desperate kiss. It felt like years that we had been apart. The kiss was frantic our cheeks wet with tears. It was full of longing and passion and when we finally pulled apart we were panting. I held her to me tighter and closed my eyes, just breathing in her scent.

"Come on Princess, let's go to sleep." She snuggled into me and fell asleep almost right away. It was a while before sleep took me. I just watched her as if she was gonna disappear. I looked at my mark on her neck and lightly kissed it making her groan in her sleep. Smiling I tucked her head under mine and went to sleep.

Edited 1/28/21

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