Inside Marcus's house

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------------chapter 13.5 starts here------------

As I looked into the room, my eyes filled with tears. Marcus was on the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks. It was true. He had been there at my house. He had heard everything. He was only trying to protect me.

And what I heard next brought me to my knees.

The light strumming of the guitar preceded Marcus's soft, soothing voice.

A little tear,

A feeling of dread,

It's unbelievable how fast,

The sadness spreads.

Each jolt through you is also a jolt through me,

And I only want to watch and see

If your reaction is the same as mine,

A priceless reaction to capture in time.

It breaks my heart to push you away,

But in a world without you, I just cannot stay.

Every day I lose a bit of myself,

Stuck in a world without you for help.

However every day I push that all aside,

And worry about you, the love of my life.

The heartbreak I feel about you,

I know you feel the same way too.

But through all that pain and sorrow,

I wish you could just see.

That no matter how hard it is for you,

It's twice as hard for me.

At this point I was ecstatic to the point of sobs of joy. Marcus, hearing this, turned around to face me. His tears stopped for a moment before starting again twofold. I knew that he was ecstatic to see me here.

He wiped his tears, attempting to change his expression to a blank one. 

"You shouldn't..." He was interrupted  by a hiccup. "Be here" 

But this wasn't a statement. Well it was a statement. But more importantly it was a question. A question asking me if I knew everything. A question asking me if I was okay with the danger associated with living with him. A question asking me if I was really willing to risk my life to be with him.

And the answer was yes.

-----------end of chapter 13.5------------

Another song <3 I hope you like this as much as the last one? I personally like this one better :) 

And what better timing to give a cotton candy ending than the day Flipsyde reaches 5k views :)

I swear if any of you leaves a negative comment today, Marcus and Isa will burn in a pit of oil after getting stabbed through the heart and with both eyes stuffed up each other's butts. 

Nah I'm just kidding :P but please be nice :D

Dedicated to lovestruck_gal who has been absolutely amazing! I can't put her books down, can't stop chatting with her, can't believe she recommended my book to so many people and can't digest the fact that despite having board exams, she still beats me to finding out my book has 5 thousand views.

Ananya @Lovestruck_gal you are an amazing friend and I'm super glad to know you :)

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