Chapter 7

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Green. Green with little golden flecks. I stared into Alex's eyes, softly gripping the hem of his jacket as he raised his hand to cup my face, gently brushing my hair behind my ear. He hesitated for a moment, giving me the opportunity to pull away, but I didn't want to. My eyelids fluttered shut as his lips connected with mine.

The kiss was innocent and sweet. I could tell he was testing the waters and trying not to make any wrong moves. As far as I was concerned though, there wasn't a single thing he could do wrong. I was sold as soon as I looked into his eyes.

His hand left my cheek, placing itself at my hip as we kissed. I tightened my grip on his jacket, lightly tugging him closer to me, deepening the kiss.

In the soft glow of the twinkling Christmas lights, Alex's living room felt magical. His lips on mine felt magical. I didn't want to pull away but he eventually broke our kiss, breathing a little quicker than before. His hand massaged my side as we stood mere inches apart. He smiled, taking a step back, and I attempted to shake myself out of the trance I was falling into.

"Tonight has been really great," I said with a slight rasp to my voice, clearing my throat.

Again with the generics, Kate.

Alex nodded, sliding his jacket off and tossing it on a nearby recliner.

"It doesn't have to be over just yet." His sweet voice caressed my emotions.

For a split second, I almost brought up the fact that I hadn't planned on spending the night or even staying out passed midnight, though Selena obviously wanted me to. It was after eleven and I was getting tired, but the idea of him driving all the way back to my house in the dark on slick roads didn't sound inviting. I would feel bad if Alex had to drive in those conditions.

"If you want to leave," Alex said, taking a seat on the couch. "I'll take you home in a few, but you're welcome to spend the night."

I was torn between wanting to stay and feeling bad about imposing. Besides, I'd never spent the night with a man on the first date until Jesse. Was I really about to do it twice in one week? It sounded downright slutty when I thought about it. Then again, maybe this time was innocent and I could honestly blame it on the weather.

"Won't your mom-"

"She won't mind." He shook his head, patting the spot beside him.

I started to protest, but his hypnotizing eyes talked me into it. I decided to go ahead and stay. I knew it was going to make me late for work again. It was going to make both of us late. But at the time, I really didn't care. I was enchanted by the home cooked dinner, and Alex's family's beautiful home, and getting to put up decorations with him.

I took my jacket off and sat down next to Alex, who immediately draped his arm around my shoulders. I scooted closer to him, kicking my shoes off and putting my feet up on the couch. I decided to test the waters and rested my back against his warm, muscular chest. He kissed my forehead, his other hand slowly rubbing up and down my arm in a soothing motion.

The fireplace was lit up with dancing flames, and crackling sounds escaping across the room played like a lullaby in my ears as I began to drift into a dreamless sleep against Alex. Only once did I partially awake in the middle of the night when Alex's mom returned home, the closing of the front door briefly making me stir.

When I awoke the following morning, I was surprised to be in an unfamiliar place until I remembered I'd stayed the night at Alex's. I felt something heavy on top of me and glanced up from my sprawled out position on the couch to see Alex lying behind me, asleep, with his arm over my side. The sweet sound of his soft breathing made me want to go back to sleep until I heard the kitchen sink faucet turn on, and it occurred to me that it was morning and it was probably way passed my usual wake up time.

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