Ch. 43

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Thank you so much for your comments. I really need to hear that kind of feedback. PLEASE KEEP COMMENTING ABOUT THE STORY OR I MAY NOT WRITE A SEQUEL!!! This book needs to reach the charts too so please VOTE and READ!! It is so important if you want this sequel, to follow me and look at my status. So please GET THIS ON THE CHARTS!! TELL EVERYONE!!!

Thank you!! :)

Harry POV

I knew she didn't want me to go. I thought she was just trying to make me feel better but the thought of her not wanting me to go is stuck in my head. She left to go to bed and I am still on the bench in the kitchen at almost 3am. I don't know if I should leave her. I mean, she is everything to me and I love her, but I just need to strengthen my technique. She in no means is in my way, but I just want to keep her in the picture. This is about me.

I stare into the dark sky and look at the sky. The stars shown brightly and the moon is hung high. I can't help but wonder the point of my existence. Nothing ever good has happened to me. Nothing. And then to have Steph come into my life was pure amazement. No one has ever made me feel the way she does. I never wanted a girlfriend. I thought the title was stupid. I didn't really ever wasn't one. My first girlfriend, Belle, was just a stupid fling. I grew up in my teens never wanting to be by anyone. My best mates thought I was tough and just fought everything off.

But I wasn't like that.

I grew up in pain, knowing that my life was terrible. No one accepted me for who I really am so I was angry all the time. When I got home, all I would do is write. I wouldn't bother with homework so I wrote. I wrote my feelings, most of which were sad, dark, and angry feelings, and wrote about them. I never spoke to anyone except my mum. I did this since I was 10, after the divorce, and have done it since. Once we moved to America, I was angry and drank. I basically slept at girl's houses and never went to my parent's place. My mum forced me to dinner one night, saying she wanted me to meet someone. Of course, being me, I refused but I was threatened that my car would be taken away from me. I groaned and agreed, but I felt the need to be a grumpy man when the person came.


She has made me a better person. She made me change my whole perspective on life. She made me want to have a girlfriend. She made me want to marry someone. She made me love, because she is love. When I first laid eyes on her, my heart sped up and I couldn't believe she was real. Her beauty was amazing and my world stopped. I couldn't say anything and my mother's voice brought me out of my gaze.

Being able to have her in m life is still a shock to me. I have waited my whole life for her and now that I know she's the one, I can't lose her. And for me to go away for 3 years of both of our time together, I just don't know if I can do it. She is everything to me and to think of something happening to her while I'm gone, I just don't know what I would do. She needs to be with me and I need to be with her. I feel two small arms wrap around my waist and squeeze me.

"Go, Harry. Don't think about me. Go." I turned around and wrapped my arms around her, my left hand pulling her head to my chest.

"But I'm leaving you. Again. After I promised I wouldn't."

"That was different. This is one of your dreams. Something you have always wanted to do. Plus, I want you to."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I actually do. I need you to do something for you. You are always with me, protecting me. I think if you go, you will like it and realize things you don't here."

I stare at her and realize she's right. I will realize things about myself that I didn't know. But I already know one thing.

"I am going to be gone for 3 years. Baby girl, that's a long time."

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