Romeo and Juliet : an alternative ending chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Bianca Mae Alejandro

I informed the nurse about the little mission that she was about to leave on the next crack of dawn, explaining to her what exactly I needed her to do and where she was to search. I also informed her that I had no intention of marrying Paris, and hence this mission was an essential.

The next morning the nurse as promised the chariot took Nurse to her native, under the disguise that she was to be left there with her Family and ralatives. 

Meanwhile the mansion was buzzing with excitement, it seems Father had taken it upon himself to inform Mother, who had then already started calling in people to prepare for the event. Everywhere I went, I received congratulations on my decision. I had also met with Paris couple of days after the wedding announcement. That was the hardest part, persuading Paris that I was falling in love with him. Under that pretence he left no opportunity to kiss my cheek, hold my hand, or hold me by the waist, to call it uncomfortable would have been an understatement. On one occasion he also hinted that we ‘practise for the wedding night’ when I blushed in anger of his thoughts but he took it to be embarrassed because the next thing he said made me want to slap him, “it’s alright. You do not have to be embarrassed of your inexperience, your Father told me how pure you were, if it makes you happy I like pure girls, your innocence is just another charming point of yours.” At which I blushed harder in embarrassment and anger at his thoughts of only having me for physical attraction. But I guess he never understood my latter emotion and hence carried on.

While the whole mansion was excited, I was restless; I couldn’t help but wonder whether nurse had found him. I couldn’t stand to think that this last hope I had was going to fail. This system of not passing any news through letters had not gotten past its first one from me to nurse asking whether or not she was alright, and had she found what she was looking for. But I wasn’t sure whether the pigeon posting the letter had reached its destination because I never received a reply.

While I couldn’t sleep here thinking about dear Romeo and nurse, servants in the mansion took my tired face to be the result of wedding preparation and prayers. I did pray till late in the night, just not what they were thinking my prayer consisted of.

Father and Paris’s family had postponed the wedding willingly on the condition that it would be held without excuse after day Nurse was back, the reason being that I demanded that she be there while it took place.

A couple of days before the end of the month I received a pigeon that was not addressed, but I guessed was from Nurse but it said only one word, ‘Yes’. I couldn’t stop thinking about what it meant, and I didn’t dare hope it was about the reason she went there. I was afraid that if I hoped for too much, the disappointment would come as a blow.

On the day of Nurse’s arrival, nervousness boiled through me along with excitement. I wasn’t sure it was because of whether I was expecting the return of two people instead of one or because I was nervous we would get caught. To make matters worse Paris along with Father and mother came along with me to await their arrival. I didn’t know how to warn Nurse about this and hence I wasn’t as hopeful as I had been.

I kept thinking of ‘what if’ scenarios. What if they came and Father saw the real reason the nurse was sent on the vacation? What would he gather if he saw Romeo? Would my plan succeed? What if Nurse came alone because she did not find Romeo? What would I do if Romeo did not want to come back? What if Romeo rejected me because I was going to marry another man, whilst being married to him?  

Shame boiled through me at the thought that it would have been the case if I hadn’t come up with this plan. It took me several moments to persuade myself that everything was alright and I would be seeing Nurse along with dear Romeo in less than five minutes. There were butterflies in my stomach, a feeling that always occurred when my eyes fell on Romeo. I smiled to myself, thinking of Romeo as my husband…


sorry for the short chapter it just seemed appropriate for Romeo to have a chapter to himself...

the youtube link has a video of Zaffirelli's version romeo and juliet trailer....i think the real romeo and juliet seems more fitting there than the new version set because its old fashioned... and old languaged...

check out the pic, its of the scene of when romeo and juliet share their first cute!

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