Romeo and Juliet : an alternative ending chapter 3

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*** chapter 3

When finally the chariot arrived my heart leaped but all I could see was Nurse helping her way over to the mansion doors with her luggage. I went forward to receive her, meeting her half way to the doors giving her a heart filled hug and helping her carry her luggage the rest of the way. We did not say anything out of the ordinary while Father and Paris had their ear wide open. Introductions were made between nurse and Paris and pleasantries were passed between Mother, Father and the Nurse. To keep up the disguise Nurse even bought something for everyone from her native, which must have cost her a fortune, I made a mental note to make sure these expenses were covered.  After every one had nothing to say anymore, I hurriedly dragged Nurse up the stair to her chambers where I knew we wouldn’t find any maids.

“Nurse,” I said after making sure we weren’t being overheard, “where is Romeo?”

Nurse turned around and murmured something inaudible. I turned her shoulders around so she was facing me once more and asked again. She looked at me with a sad face, and said, “I’m deeply afraid, I couldn’t find him”

My heart lurched at those words, no, it couldn’t be true. That was exactly where he informed me he would be if I needed him. Tears filled my eyes thinking of what I had to do now, if I couldn’t find him then there was no other option than to marry Paris and bear with his Physical attraction long enough that he would get tired of me.

All of a sudden, Nurse burst out laughing; surprised I turned to look at her shocked. The only thing that came up in my mind was, how she could be laughing in such a circumstance?

“Go to your room little one! You will find something that will fill your heart.” She said raising her voice and having an amused smile.

I stormed out of there, not because I wanted to see the gift or whatever she had left for me in my room but to get away from her. She disgusted me at the way she laughed at my misery then, I just stormed to my chambers, wanting to be alone while crying my eyes out where nobody would laugh.

When I reached my chambers, I was surprised to see someone standing by the window. As I was mustering up enough energy to tell him to get out of there, he turned around revealing his face to me. I gasped when I saw his face as I could remember it. Strong jaw, pink cheeks, long pointed nose, blonde hair that reached his forehead and at last his I saw his piercing blue eyes.

I ran toward him throwing myself at him full force not caring that we might fall just as long as I touched every part of his body making sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. When I was satisfied I let go of him my eyes full of overflowing tears. He pulled me into a soft and sweet kiss.

I untangled myself from him after one more hug.

“Romeo, where had thou been for so long?” I asked rhetorically, just basking in the joy that he was actually here. “How have I stayed so long without thy holy touch?” It was true, now that I had him back I couldn’t imagine how I had ever survived without him. I had been successful this far, if any mishap occurred at this stage, I would go insane.

Startled by the knock on the door I jumped back in surprise. I led Romeo to my dresser making sure he wasn’t to be spotted  and climbed on top of the bed to make  everything look normal, when I said ‘come in’.

In came the Nurse, I climbed out the bed and rushed to give her another hug and kiss on the cheek as a gratitude of thanks. “You do not know how much I owe you dear Nurse.”

She stroked my head lovingly and replied, “Do not insult me by saying such a thing my dear Juliet, you are my daughter, and  a daughter owns her mother nothing as it is the duty of the mother to take care of her daughter, especially if she is as young and beautiful as you are.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2011 ⏰

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