Chapter 6

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Sienna's POV

I woke up feeling awful. I had had one of those sleeps where you feel like you've only just touched your head to the pillow before you're woken up. I frowned at my clock, sounding a shrill beeping from across the room. I hauled myself out of bed and plodded to where it stood on a chest of drawers. I had it there because otherwise, I'd probably just smack it off and go back to sleep, this way I got my blood flowing and woke myself up slightly.

 I threw on my school uniform and slid into the bathroom, applying a thin layer of makeup. Grabbing breakfast from the kitchen, I marched outside to wait for my friend Aubrey. She came in at a seriously close second to Mia as my best friend and was fun to be around. 

'Oh my gosh! Sienna! I heard from Jenny that she heard from Katy, that she heard from Anna that flyers for the big dance have been put up! It's on the 22nd of August! Ok, so I know you hate school dances and all but pleeeease come with me!'

I grinned at Aubrey. I couldn't take her long winded speeches seriously with her cute little English accent.

'Aubs, since you just managed to lift my mood tenfold, I will agree to the dance. Just this once'

Aubrey's smile was dazzling and immediately reinforced the feeling that I was doing something great for her. I loved making people feel happy, it was always so infectious!

She gave me a quick hug before we began the ten minute walk to school. Call us old-fashioned, but we had decided this tradition, which we had begun in year seven, was way more fun than driving.

Reaching school, we found that the rumours about the dance were indeed true. The popular topic could be heard in almost every conversation you listened to. Girls were debating whether to wear a floor length dress or a more cocktail style number, and boys were putting their heads together, looking anxious and slightly annoyed. It was obvious they hated these dances even more than I did.

To be honest, I completely understood their point! End of year dances were always big events for the girls and most boys didn't even want to think about what their girlfriends or dates would do to them if they screwed up. 

This year was especially big since everyone would be leaving. I hadn't imagined things would be much different from other years, but listening to the fierce hissing coming from closely huddled females, I realised how stupid that assumption had been. Personally I didn't  particularly like dances, they seemed kind of pointless and expensive, not to mention vain. The only reason I had agreed to go was because it was my last chance.

I walked down the hall and people continually tried to draw me into conversation over the dance. I politely told them that; yes, I was going, but no, I don't know who with. I knew for a fact that I would have a headache by the end of the day. Thinking about the end of the day moved me off onto a different train of thought. I had the date with Aaron tonight... 

I couldn't help the nervous butterflies which began dancing in my stomach at the thought. Was it really such a good idea to go out with him? Sure he was hot, but he was also clearly a player! Was I really prepared to take the jump so soon after my last relationship? 

In the end I decided to throw caution to the wind. I couldn't live my life testing the waters! I needed to jump in and experience things without worry! I could tell Aaron was interested and I was going to keep it that way! Who knows? Maybe this relationship will work out!

I grinned with a new resolve and sent a quick text to Aaron:

We still on 4 2nite?

I made a face as I sent it. I hated text language but it was definitely easier.

Yep, wear something casual. We're going to the movies - A xx

I didn't bother replying to the message, I never saw the point in wasting money just so you could say "OK sure". It just seemed a little pointless

My predictions about the day proved correct and by fifth period, I had an aching head from the number of girls yelling to each other from across the halls. I was pretty much ready to just go home and have a hot bath to wind down. I growled in annoyance over having to go on the date tonight. I so wanted to switch the date, but it was too shorter notice. It better be worth it.

I arrived home and decided to give Mia a quick ring. Maybe she would come to the dance with me? Maybe I could get Aaron to come to the dance as my date... Two months was definitely enough to get things off the ground. Heck, that was enough time to make it a pretty serious relationship! Well, not too serious but long enough to put a label on things. 

I grabbed the phone and punched in the number I knew so well. Mia answered on the first ring

"Hey Sienna"

"Hi! So, you know how our school always does the big End of Year dances?"

"Yep and how you refuse to take me every year?"

"Well... yeah. But this year I wondered if you wanted to go?"

"Oh yeah! I'd love to! What's the date?" 

"22nd of August. So you free?"

I heard the flipping of pages on the other side and grinned. Mia was very attached to her diary. She had all her dates neatly set out for herself.

"Yep I'm free, it's the week before our school formal! You wanna come?"

I quickly agreed and we decided to go dress shopping in three weeks, so as not to miss the good dresses. I was actually feeling kind of excited now I knew Mia was going.

"Alright well I've gotta go sorry, I have a date set tonight" I said reluctantly

"Oooh! With who?"

"Not telling, Chat later"

"But Sienna-"


I clicked off rolling my eyes. Mia would have to tell me first if she ever wanted to find out who my mystery guy was.


Ok I'm back and I uploaded early! Maybe it's not long but my exams aren't quite over yet because I missed some :(

Hope this keeps you satisfied for a little while

I'll write soon!

Ruby xoxo:)

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