What Is The Deal With Rivendell?

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The Next Day

Haldir and the guard woke up to a knock on their door. Haldir sat up and looked at the door. He thought that the other guard, who was rooming with him would get the door, but he just went back to bed. So Haldir got up and walked over to the door. He opened the door and found the maid waiting for him to open the door.

"No (yes)." said a tired Haldir.

"Good morning sure, I have come to inform you that lady Vanya is waiting for you both to join her for breakfast on the patio." explained the maid.

"Um uh okay, we'll be out in a few." replied Haldir.

The maid bowed to Haldir, then walked away. Haldir closed the door and grabbed one of the pillows from his bed. He threw the pillow at the guard. The guard immediately sat up. He wasn't pleased that Haldir had woke him up by throwing a pillow at him.

"What?" shouted the guard.

"Lady Vanya has requested us to join her for breakfast." informed Haldir.

They both got dressed and ready to join Vanya for breakfast. When they were ready they headed to join Vanya. When they arrived, they saw Vanya sitting at a table with a black haired elf. Haldir didn't know who he was, but he was kind of jealous. But he remained calm. With the guard on his side they walked over to the table.

"Hiril vuin (my lady), Vanya." said the guard as he bowed to Vanya.

"Pleased be seated." said Vanya.

Haldir and the guard took their seats. Haldir sat across from Vanya and he sat on the rights side of the black haired elf.

"How did you sleep?" asked Vanya.

"Very well hiril vuin (my lady)." replied Haldir. 

"Good." added Vanya.

The conversation at the breakfast table ended, causing a brief silence between everyone. The black haired elf couldn't stand it, so he started up another topic for discussing.

"So Haldir, Vanya has told me a lot about you," said the dark haired elf. "What made you want to be a soldier of Lothlorien?"

Haldir looked at the dark haired elf. He didn't want to answer the question because he was a stranger to him and Haldir didn't trust him. The two of them simply looked at each other. The dark haired elf was waiting for his question to be answered, while Haldir was waiting for him to introduce himself.
So Vanya cleared the air for the both of them.

"Haldir, this in my brother in-law, Elrond, Lord of Rivendell." introduced Vanya.

Haldir felt bad after she introduced them. He was shocked to find out that this elf was Lord Elrond.

"Please forgive me my lord, I had no knowledge of who you were." apologized Haldir.

"No need Haldir, it is my fault for not making you aware." replied Elrond.

"Well to answer your question, I simply wanted to something that was important and that would make a difference." answered Haldir.

"What a noble man." complimented Elrond.

Lord Elrond excused himself from the breakfast table because some matters came up that he needed to tend too. Then the other guard was dismissed to have some more rest, leaving Haldir and Vanya together at the table. Haldir felt a little bit uncomfortable. He was sitting at the same table as Vanya. He didn't know what to say. Things were so awkward between them that he didn't know what to do or say.

"Well Haldir, I must tend to some things," said Vanya as she stood up from her seat. "Feel free to do what ever."


Haldir remained sitting at the breakfast table alone. He felt like he blew everything between Vanya and him.

"I should have told her when I had the chance." whispered Haldir.

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