Haldir's New Assignment

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Things had been going well for Vanya and Haldir. They had been together for years and had no trouble with their relationship. Everything was going perfectly until something had reached the kingdom of Lothlorien. A small group of four hobbits, a dwarf, two men, and an elf were going to dispose of the ring. They were known as, The Fellowship of the Ring. Haldir had brought the group to Celeborn, Galadriel, and Vanya when the group passed through Lothlorien. They let them pass through there lands, but it wasn't long before things got more out of hand.


Vanya was sitting in her throne chair, which was next to her parents. She looked a little ancy because Haldir had been summoned by her parents. She thought that perhaps they knew about their relationship and was going to punish Haldir. Or something worse. But there was nothing Vanya could do, until Haldir showed up and they learned of the reason for his summoning. So Vanya sat in her chair and waited.

Haldir was on his way to meet with Vanya and her parents. He was accompanied by his two brothers. On their way to the throne room, Haldir became nervous. He had no idea why he was summoned and he hoped it had nothing to do with Vanya. When they reached the throne room, the guards of Galadriel and Celeborn told Haldir that only he could go to meet with the Lord and Lady. So Haldir's brothers waited for him outside the throne room. Haldir walked up the stairs and was only seconds away from being in the presence of Galadriel, Celeborn, and Vanya.

Haldir bowed down to Celeborn, Galadriel, and of course Vanya.

"Rise Haldir, brother of Rumil and Orophin." said Celeborn.

Haldir rose and asked, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is this all about?"

"As you know, the fellowship of the ring have been successful so far. But, we have just received word that the king of Rohan has decided to go to Helms Deep. We fear that they will not have the numbers to defeat what is coming their way. So, we would like you to travel to Rivendell and help Lord Elrond with a group of soldiers." explained Galadriel.

Haldir wasn't pleased that he was assigned to this. He was hoping to stay out of the war, but he knew there was nothing he could do so he agreed to take the mission. Vanya wasn't pleased with him agreeing to this. She knew that it would be dangerous and feared that he wouldn't come back. Celeborn and Galadriel dismissed Haldir. When Haldir left the room, Vanya wanted to chase after him, but she couldn't. Vanya waited a couple of minutes, before she left the room and went after Haldir.

She went to the stables and found Haldir putting his horses tack away. Vanya looked around, to make sure no one was in the stables, before she approached him. Vanya walked over to Haldir and put her hand on his back. Haldir gave Vanya a hug and then backed away from her.

"Why did you accept?" asked Vanya.

"You and I both know that I had no choice," replied Haldir. "declining is not an option for me."

"Haldir, this doesn't feel right to me. What happens if you get hurt, or don't come back? I couldn't go on without you. I love you too much."

Haldir looked over his shoulder and saw that Vanya was crying. He walked over to her and put his hands on her cheeks. He wiped some of the tears from her face. They looked at each other.

"Vanya I don't want to go, but I have no choice in the matter. I have always wanted to be by your side and now that this has come up, I fear that those plans may not be possible anymore." explained Haldir.

"I wish I could do something about this." said Vanya.

"Vanya, there is something you could do for me." said Haldir.

"What is it?" asked Vanya.

"Marry me." responded Haldir.

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