Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Emily's P.O.V.

"Oh finally! I thought you were never going to make it!" The woman standing on my front porch cut me off.

I looked up and froze. There was a woman, who looked like she was in her mid-50s, had big black curly hair, and wore a dark red blazer and matching skirt. She had big brown eyes and full lips, with lipstick that matched the color of her suit. Her arms were spread out and one hand was clutching something I couldn't make out. Max was in a position I never seen him in, a pouncing position.

The lady came down the steps and walked over to me. She engulfed me into a hug that I wasn't sure I wanted to return. Max began to growl and I gave him a stern look and gesture. "You were getting me so worried!" She pulled back, but kept her hands on my shoulders. "I was sitting there all day! I missed my hair appointment and had to reschedule because you were late, Miss Emily!" She emphasized the "you."

I was about to slap this woman. I never met her before and she knew my name. "Um, excuse me. But, um, how do you-"

"Oh pish posh. The old owners told me your name. They entrusted me with getting you in. Didn't you realize you didn't get a key?" She let go of me and started walking towards the porch. I opened my mouth to speak, but then realized, Ian never gave me a key.

"Um-" I started, but again, I was cut short.

"Now, lets get going! Chop chop!" She kept walking, believing I was following. "By the way, I'm Mrs. Salat, your neighbor. Live right over there." She pointed over to the house on my left. The lady, Mrs. Salat, paused at the front door and turned towards me, "Are you coming or not?" I still haven't moved.

I ran around to the back of my car and grabbed as many boxes as I could carry; that was only 2, they were stacked to top of each other, and ran, well attempted to without tripping, to the front door. Max followed suit.

Mrs. Salat unlocked the door and went inside. She walked in and started rambling on about how I caused her to miss her hair appointment and she couldn't get her favorite stylist and blah blah blah. She was beginning to aggravate me. She didn't seem to care about others; she put herself above everyone. I looked down at Max and he growled.

I put down the boxes and opened the door. I leaned against it and let Max in. I heard Mrs. Salat going on about some lady who she hates at the salon, "...all she does is go on and on about her job, and her fiancé, and her hair..." Sound familiar?, I thought. She seemed to think I was listening, so she just kept going.

I huffed a breath and reached over to pick up the boxes and my butt lost contact with the door and it started to close. I managed to get my rear end back to the door and keep it propped open. I reached forward and tried to reach the boxes; my arms were too short. Max came back and gave them a nudge in my direction. I smiled and began to get a grip on the bottom box. As a got a good hold, I started to work my way up. I lost balance as I was crossing the threshold and started to fall. I was half in and half out. I managed to get the boxes in on the floor in the house and managed to fall, releasing the door, causing it to hit my head.

My face scrunched up in pain, as my hand went to rub the spot on my head. Mrs. Salat turned and looked down at me, "What are you doing on the floor girl? Get up!" I scurried to get up, and inside. I wiped off my jeans, which were white (That's why we have washing machines!), and looked up at my house.

In front of me, a hallway stretched out and led into what looked like the kitchen. To my left, the living room. It was fully furnished, with couches against the wall and under the window, a small piano on the opposite wall, small end tables, one at each end of the couch, an armoire was in the corner, empty and waiting to be filled, and a coffee table was in the center, completing the room, and painted a cream color.

From the living room, I could make out the den, but not much of it. To my right, there was the dining room, which held an elegant dinning table, with 6 chairs. A china cabinet was in the back of the room that was empty. Like I have any china to put in it, I thought. Above, held a beautiful crystal chandelier. The walls were a pinkish color and on the furthest wall held a painting of a boardwalk over looking the beach. There was a staircase right before the dinning room, which, I guessed, led to the bedrooms.

As I started to walk further in, I noticed a corner cut out, next to what I believed was the closet. There was a little black tabled with a vase of golden lilies, against a mellow yellow wall.

As I walked into the kitchen, it was much bigger than the one I had and Ian's. The room was painted light green color and had a big window behind the kitchen table. The counter tops all had granite and the island in the middle would add for more cooking space. The appliances were all updated, and installed.

The den was to my left. There was a tall cabinet attached to a little half wall, which had the phone. A couch rested to the other side. There was a flat screen TV above a marble fireplace, and a black wall unit to the left of it. An armchair was over to the right of the room, by the window, with a small circular black end table next to it. A black coffee table was in front of the couch to complete the room.

"Now, as you can see, they left all the furniture, because that realized you wouldn't have any," Mrs. Salat started. "The upstairs is completely furnished and the basement is completed as well." A basement? See the confused look on my face, Mrs. Salat pointed behind me. I turned and saw a door that was opposite the stair case ascending.

"Now, of you need anything, just give me a call. I'm right next-door, and I left my home number on the counter. Don't hesitate to call! I'm always available for you! Good luck with the unpacking." She walked briskly past me, towards the door. "Ta ta!" she exclaimed as she exited.

I remained still, trying to piece together what just happened, I looked down at Max, "Did I get any words in that?" He barked. "Did that really just happen?" He barked again. I stood there looking dumbfounded, until the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I started hysterical laughing.

I was still laughing when I went out to my car to grab some more boxes. I did them two at a time, and used a chair from the porch to keep the door open. They all went in stacks in the kitchen, waiting to be open and sorted.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sat on the floor of my kitchen with a wall of boxes and suitcases. I looked over at Max, who was laying next to me, "Clothes first?" He just sat there and I sighed. I picked myself up and went to grab my two suitcases. I managed to get my clothes in them, and my shoes in one box (I just don't know which one!).

I attempted to drag them both up the stairs, but one started to fall. I caught it with both hands, not noticing that I let go of the other. The second suitcase went tumbling down the stairs and hit the wall with a thud. I looked at the suitcase I was holding and decided to bring it up before I went for the second one.

I reached the top and look down the small hallway. I realized, I have never been up here. I left the luggage and went exploring around.

I went to the left, and saw three doorways. I went left again and went into a decent size room. There was a bed in the corner, rested in a bedpost. A small nightstand was next to it, with a light pink land shade. There were two windows a little further down that overlooked Mrs. Salat's house. Won't be looking out that window! A desk was on the opposite wall, and a few feet over was the dresser. The wall closest to me had the closet, with sliding mirror doors and an armoire was in the corner. The walls were a light pink, and the furniture was all white.

I walked out and into the middle room. It was smaller than the first, but not by much. It was just like the first, white furniture, all in different places, and mirrored closet. The walls were a light blue and the window overlooked the backyard.

I went to the third room and it was the smallest by far. There was a small window that looked out to the yard, strait back, and a tiny closet to the right. To the left was a small easy chair. And on my right was a big desk, with an open spot for a computer.

I went further down the hall to see the last two rooms. On my left was a full bathroom. The room had theme, and it was of fishes. The tiling was white, and the walls were sea blue.

The last room, I was guessing was the master bedroom. It was good size and again, the furniture was all white. There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room, with end tables on each end, and a small couch, the length of the bed, at the foot. A dresser was on the right side, and an armoire on the left. As I walked further in, there was a door next to the dresser. I opened it and revealed a small attic. It let out some cool air, so I began to close it. It wouldn't click. I tried putting all my weight against it, and it still wouldn't close. A walked a little further back and slammed myself into the door and it with a solid thud. I heard the faint click and knew it went it. I rubbed my shoulder where it hit, and walked to the bathroom. It was small, but just right for one person.

I walked out and went to the hallway to grab my luggage. I rolled it in and took a breath. "Time to unpack."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was back on the floor, sitting in my kitchen with one box left to be opened. It was getting late and Max was curled up in a ball at my feet.

My clothes were all put away, plates and silverware were hidden in cabinets and drawers, pictures I kept in boxes, so I could do them tomorrow, and blankets were draped over the couch.

With a groan, I grabbed the last box and lifted it in front of me. I pried it open. I gasped. The photo album was on top. I pushed the box aside and lifted out the book. I haven't looked at it in so long.

I opened it up to see my parents smiling faces looking up at me. My mother was smiling, her brown hair, pulled in a braid, and green eyes sparkling. My father was grinning proudly, his blond curly hair was tousled, and his brown eyes were wet with tears. They were holding a baby, swaddled in a blue blanket, wearing a blue hat. Around that picture, there were sonograms from each visit. It was my older brother.

I turned the page and watched my brother grow: his christening, his first birthday, Christmas, holidays, first steps, vacations, and other birthdays. I flipped through the pages, watching my brother's life go by in 5 minutes.

I turned another page, and saw my mother and brother. My mother's was rolled up to reveal a very pregnant stomach. My brother's hands were on it and he leaned is ear in. My mother had the biggest smile on her face. I smiled when I saw it. I loved her smile.

I flipped the page and saw my mother, father, and brother in a group shot, my mother holding a baby swaddled in a pink blanket, wearing a pink hat. That was me.

As I turned through the pages, my first year flashed before me: my christening, first birthday, Christmas, and first steps.

I looked at the next page and saw three empty places. I reached over to my pocketbook and took out two folded pictures.

One was of my family. My father was sitting next to my mother with me on his lap. My brother was on my mother's lap. I could tell we were on vacation, but I don't know where. I've always racked my brain, but I could never remeber anything about that trip. We all were together, smiling; the happiest family. From what the picture looked like, my brother was about 3 and I was almost a year.

The second picture was of me and my brother. He was sitting up, in a pair of jean overalls, and a white shirt underneath. His brown curly hair was combed neatly, his big green eyes shinning. His legs were open and I was sitting inside them. His hands were around me, helping to support me up. I was in a matching jean dress, with a white shirt underneath. We both were smiling, like we didn't have a care in the world. From the date, my brother was 4 and I was 1.

The other two pictures were always missing. I never knew what they were of, and who took them.

I didn't realize I was crying till my tears hit the book. I whipped them away and turned the page, only to have my hopes dropped again. The rest of the book was empty. That was when our parents gave us away. I never understood why. The people at the orphanage told me they died. I never believed them. They also told me my brother was adopted; that I believed.

As I went back to flip through again, I felt my eyelids get heavier and heavier. Eventually, I drifted off into sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Oww, was the only thought that ran through me. I started to stretch my legs out, and they replied with screams. I tried to move my neck, but the pain was greater there. I fell asleep on the floor. I mentally cursed at myself as I got up and moved to the couch.

I grabbed one of the blankets and fell on the couch. I soon found myself back in the world of sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I moaned as I heard my doorbell ring. I rolled off the couch, draped the blanket over my shoulders and shuffled my way to the front door. I looked down and saw I was still in my clothes from yesterday, oh well. My hair was probably a mess, but I would throw it up once I opened the door.


"I'm coming!" I shouted back, annoyed. I fumbled with the key in the lock and opened the door.

I looked up, and my eyes went wide.

- - - - - - - - -


So, I'm going to try to update on Sundays. No guarantees though!

Sorry. It's kind of a long, boring, discriptive chapter. It took me a long time to write it too, because it got too boring. Don't worry! It's going to start pickin up soon. I finally figured out the timeline of the book.

So, no one guessed my song :'( I'm a bit dissapointed. It's from one of my favorite movies, Hercules, One Last Hope. Phill sings it when he's training Herc.

Thanks for the 50+ reads, it means a lot, but lets get it higher! Also, I want an x number of votes before I update again. x = 20. 20 votes. I know you can do it!

Please read, vote, follow, comment, and watch anyhting Disney!

Lyrics -

I can see there's so much to learn
It's all so close and yet so far
I see myself as people see me
Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there

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