My letter to you

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I wake up, eat cereal and brush my teeth. That's what I do every morning. Then I go to school and afterwards hang out with my girlfriend. I'm rich I get what I want and have perfect grades. But why do I feel so unsatisfied in life. I'll tell you why. It's my love life. Every time I date a girl all they've all act the same. So I date them for a month then let them go. A girl who cares about money more then a man is someone I don't need.

Every girl I met I didn't stay with for long. Until one day. I met someone who changed my opinion on life itself and I fell in love with her. Then I messed up, badly. You could say this story is my apology letter. I wish I could go back in time to stop me from hurting her. So listen babe, I'm sorry as hell. But you probably won't get this.

So why am I not happy?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora