Your Joking Right!?

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Miracle's POV
Today I woke up and I actually felt pretty good. I got up and grabed my freshers and got in the shower. After about a half hour I decided to get out so i wouldnt be too late to school. I wore blue and white tie dye shirt, blue and purple ripped dyed shorts, purple converse. (Look at the picture above if your lost). We've had a pretty warm winter so its cool. I looked at the time and it was 8:00. " Oh sugar cookies I'm gonna be late!" I grabbed my backpack, phone and headphones and an apple and left for school.

While walking I heard someone call me. It was my friend Jordan. " Hey MirMir" he said. " Hey Jordan, what's up?" " Nothin really, the sky, and me". At first I didn't understand but i still had to consider the fact that he was tall. "Nice (note the sarcasm)".

We finally reached the school and i walked to my locker to get my things for the next 3 periods. I had math with my best friend Angel first, then Biology with  Jordan, and then History by myself. I hurried to math because i was already late and of course when I walked in everyone stared at me I hate that. " Is there a problem or is there something on me otherwise please turn around and do what you were doing because there is no reason to stare". Angel smiled at my comment like usual, she thinks I'm "sassy". I sat in my seat and as soon as i sit down i hear " Why are you late to my class Ms. Smiles?" said Ms. Lopez. " I lost track of time". " Don't let it happen again"she said. " Whatever" I mumbled. I was actually doing the math for once and Angel tapped me. " Hey Best Friend!" she said. "Hey Bestie" I said as I gave her a hug. Then we started having a conversation about our weekends. "Yeah, I went to Hershey park with my cousins it was amazing and you'll never guess what I finally did". " You finally took a picture with a mascot" she said. "No, you know I'm terrified of them. I finally...". " MIRACLE, ANGEL, is there something you want to share". " No ma'am " we said in sync. " No what ill just tell you at lunch".

Skip to Lunch**************

  "Ok, continuing from math class. I finally faced my fears and got on a roller coaster!" " Yay MirMir" Jordan and Angel say" I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and got a text from my mom saying come straight home. " This cant be good". "What cant be good" they said. "Oh i didn't mean to say that aloud but i just got a text from my mom and she said come straight home and she never usually says that unless its a situation". " Oh, Ok. Make sure you text us the deets" Jordan said. " Trust me I wont". That kind of ruined my day sooo...

Skip to the end of the day********

I walk to my locker and put my book in there and grab my keys and leave the building. "Bye guys, make sure you have your phones with you OK!". " We will" they said. And with that i was on my way home not prepared for what was about to happen.

At home************************

I unlocked the door and my mom was sitting on the couch. Put my backpack down and went to sit on the couch with my mom. "Hey Mir, how was your day she said. "It was ok". " Good. Mir, first i wanna say you don't have to go to school tomorrow you can stay home ok" she said. "Mom, where are you going with this" I said a little scared. " Mir please don't be mad at me but we have to move back to California." Tears started forming in my eyes. "They are tearing down the company here to make a hospital and they are going to expand the old building that we had in California. We leave in two days". At this point i was full out crying out of sadness and out of anger. "YOUR JOKING RIGHT?". " No baby I'm sorry" she said. "WHAT THE HELL MOM. WHY COULDN'T YOU TELL ME 2 WEEK AGO. NOW I HAVE TO SAY BYE TO MY ONLY FRIENDS AND I HAVE TO PREPARE TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS. NOW LET ME GUESS I HAVE TO GO TO THE SAME FUCKING SCHOOL THAT I WENT TO IN 9th GRADE DON'T I?!". " Miracle I'm so sorry baby i just didn't know how to tell you and yes you do have to go back to that school. Im sorry baby" she said " WHATEVER MOM JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE. I BET YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL RYAN!" " I don't need to tell Ryan he's only 7". I gave her the hand and went upstairs because i cant even try to ask my step dad because he probably knew too.

She has no idea thats its gonna be a living hell trying to fit back in at that school.  But then again Kian might not go there anymore. Cross my fingers. I texted Angel and Jordan and told them everything. They said they will be over first thing in the morning to help me pack then we will go somewhere but its a surprise.
Hey Teddy Bears🐻. I hope you guys liked this chapter comment, share, and vote. Thx Teddy Bears😘🐻 Luv Ya

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