So... Bored

215 11 23

Jimin: Please... More... Questions

Suga: Just face it... they're never gonna ask anything else... We should just go to sleep *Goes to sleep*

V: Rapmon... Does this mean they know everything about us now!? From the time we get up to the time we go to bed?!

Rapmon: No! Never! ew! Thats not even logically possible!

Jin: *Walks in the room* Rapmon! I'm hungry!!! *all members look at him with horrified expressions*

Jungkook: Wait, don't-

Rapmon: You want me to make you some ramen? Okay~ *Goes into the kitchen, follows the directions carefully but then rips them* hehe... who needs directions pfft i can make this with my eyes closed!

J-Hope: No you can't....

Rapmon: Shut up..!!! Don't ruin my dreams!

Suga: *arises from slumber* I wanna, big house, big car and big RINGS

Rapmon: Ok guys I got this! Jin, your nice pleasure is coming up, hot and steamy!

Jimin: I don't think you put oil in ra-

Rapmon: *Burns whole kitchen down*

Jin: OoO

J-Hope: Great job...

Suga: Maybe this will spark some questions hehe

V: Lets just stop this before Rapmon does anything stupid

Rapmon: Wh-

Jimin: Ok byee

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