Sixteenth Question(s)

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Rapmon: Okay, today we have a lot of questions, so we'll get right to it! These questions are all from dalkomm_ The first one is for you Jin, "What the secret of your flawless face? Skincare product?"

Jin: I like to use a lot of different products, but to look this perfect it takes a lot so I would be sitting here all day telling them to you. I will tell you my ultimate favorite product though, and that is the CC+ Cremes *Smiles and takes small tube of CC+ creme from his pocket* *BTS nods their head* *Jimin tries to touch Jin's cheek* *Jin slaps Jimin's hand away* It's not easy to be this perfect!!!!

Rapmon: Anyway, next question. Jimin, "Why this day you got no-

Jimin: Jams??? Is that it??? Why I got no jams??? WELL I'LL TELL YOU WHY-

Rapmon: NO!!!! "Why this day you got no excited when Jikook moments??"

Jimin: Oh... Umm

Jungkook: BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT I'M TOO PERFECT FOR HIM *laughs evily then chokes* *clears throat* Next question?

Rapmon: Ummm.... Okayyyyy... "V, can you teach me to do a rectangular smile and your white teeth? Last question for you V, you is an alien right? Where planet are you from?"

V: My smile? *does rectangle smile* I don't know... It just happens when I smile *Laughs and does box smile*

Rapmon: And your white teeth?

V: Oh,  just brush my teeth regularly each time after I eat... Or just when ever I can *Smiles box smile* *White teeth seem to sparkle* Also, if It's a special occasion, sometimes I use white teeth strips!

Rapmon: What planet are you from?

*All of BTS lean in, listening closely*

V: Exo Planet *laughs at his own joke* *Everyone sighs* *Crickets in distance* I'm just kidding... But where I come from is a secret kekekekeke

Rapmon: J-Hope this is for you, "Can you give me hope? I'm getting no hope to do an exam."

J-Hope: SURE!!!! *Does dance and jumps around the room* *Suddenly has wand and waves it around* YOU NOW HAVE HOPE!!!! *Jimin looks excited*

Jimin: Can you give me jams???

*J-Hope stops dancing*

J-Hope: I'M J-HOPE NOT J-AMS!!! *Smacks Jimin's head with wand* *Jimin pouts*

Rapmon: Ooh look this one is for me *Smile happily* *dimples appear* "Hey~ God of Destruction!" *Smiles and laughs* *waves to camera* Hey~ dalkomm_ *Keeps reading* "Can you broke my crush into the piece of paper?" *frowns* dalkomm_, I'm sorry but I don't understand your question...Mianhae, Yongsohae.

Jungkook: Is it my turn yet???

Rapmon: Wait!!! You're last

Jungkook: Of course I am! You know, always save the best for last

*Suga face palms himself*

Rapmon: Suga, this is your question

Suga:Is someone asking me how I have so much swag? Because I already told you, it's-

Rapmon: No... the question is "Can you stop being swag in my eyes?"

Suga: STOP BEING SWAG???? NEVERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! IM THE SWAGGIEST PERSON ALIVE!!! *Jumps on couch and protests while talking* *When done protesting, he gets down and pants* That was tiring *Starts to walk away* I'm going to sleep


Jungkook: Yes I know just say it already

Rapmon: "Kookie-yah, are you really like girl type of sana T-T?"

Jungkook: *feels bad* I see a sad face in your question... so it makes me even more said that I can't answer it... I don't really know what you are asking... I'm sorry but I don't understand

Rapmon: *Nods head* Okay this last one is for everyone, "Can I see you all in my dream and can I see you all in real life?

Jungkook: Maybe if you think of us before you go to sleep, we might come to your dream ^-^

Rapmon: If you come to one of our concerts we can meet you!

Jimin: Please come!

Jin: We'll look forward to it!

J-Hope: I hope you come kekekeke

Suga: *Yells from other room* STOP WITH YOUR CHEESY HOPE PUNS

J-Hope: *Frowns*

V:Byeee!!! *Box smile*

Rapmon: Oh! Also! If anyone wants to clarify the questions we didn't understand, and maybe repeat them for us in a simpler form, please do!

Jungkook: Yeah! We would really like to answer all of your questions! So if anyone understands my question

Rapmon: Or mine-

Jungkook: Then comment below so we can answer them

BTS: Bye!

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