in which she tries to move on from him

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elisa wasn't one to always fall in love. in fact, she was the one that didn't believe she would ever get married. she already had her whole life planned out. after traveling everywhere, she was going to choose her favorite place, which wasn't going to be easy. after she might adopt a child or two and dedicate her life towards them. that was the plan before she came to madrid.

in exactly an hour she would be heading to ibiza for the month. her sister had a house over there and offered for her to go and get her mind off of things. after talking to antoine over the phone she could relate to him also. she no longer knew what she wanted. she felt like she was dying but yet relieved. her bags were packed and she was ready to leave, but she really didn't want to leave madrid.

what if i called antoine, she began to think. it seemed wrong for her to be leaving without him here. but he's letting you go, he's letting you walk away without any remorse.

this wasn't how were supposed to end. they were supposed to stay together through anything. they were supposed to have one more week to love and cherish each other. but most importantly he wasn't supposed to let her go. again nothing was as it seems, nothing ever has gone as planned in her life.

she decided to give everything a rest and walk around the airport in search for a starbucks coffee shop. that's probably the only thing that could calm her nerves- coffee addcit probs.

it amazed her to see the amount of people she would see at airports. it was one place where many people from different places shared and could possibly create new relationships. she loved the airport and always hoped to meet someone new everytime she went.

finally, the delicious hot white chocolate mocha was in her hands and fulfilling the her taste buds. in midst of paying the cashier a certian something caught the attention of her eyes.


the magazine cover only made her want to burst into tears right then and now. but she was much stronger than that, much stronger than him. she paid for her coffee and made her way to board her flight.

there were no second thoughts anymore. it seemed antoine had moved on and he clearly didn't need her. a deep voice made her turn attention as they spoke, "um, excuse me miss."

"oh yes, i'm sorry. can i help you?" she asked masking a false smile.

"i was going to ask if i could sit here next to you, if you don't mind of course." he asked. elisa nodded and moved her bag that was in the seat next to hers.

"i'm alejandro by the way," alejandro, the charming green-eyed spaniard who also ended up falling in love with the french. he loved her so much and cherished her like his life depend on it.

only problem was she couldn't love nor would she ever. it was because she didn't want to hurt again but most importantly her heart already belonged someone else.

[book is almost coming to an end!!!]

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