in which they explore together: epilogue

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green palms trees, a cool breeze, and hot blasting sun was a different scenery for antoine but he absolutely loved it. he especially enjoyed the view of elisa in a black bathing suit that clung tightly into her golden skin. she was absolutely stunning. looking back throughout the years that they knew each other, antoine remembered how he had always found elisa attractive – and yes, even with pigtails and braces.

"are you not going to join me?" she called out. a smirk began to take over antoine's face as she rose from the pool she swam in. elisa reached back and ran her hand though her hair before going over to her boyfriend and try to get him in the water.

antoine patted on the empty spot next time so she come sit next to him. even though it had only been a few minutes, his body longed for the feeling their two bodies together. he had gotten so used to it that, he didn't like being away from her and avoided it if he could. "sorry but i just spent twenty minutes fixing this mess and i wouldn't want to ruin it." he pointed to his hair, making elisa pout.

instead of feeling bad at seeing her pout, he went over kissed her lips. elisa wasn't one to turn down kisses from especially knowing how good of a kisser her boyfriend and how crazy he drove her.

"this place is amazing. maybe spending your life traveling around isn't such a bad thing after all." he said and brushed wet strands of hair away from her face.

elisa shook her heads and laid her head back on the large red sofa, "ironically enough, i wouldn't mind settling down a bit. only if it's with you of course."

antoine smiled and kissed her forehead. it was crazy how months ago they both didn't want to let go of their different lives, but now they didn't care seeing how much distance didn't matter as long as they has each other.

"now that's a lie! how could you trade my life for yours? you have no idea how boring i am," antoine laughed.

"yeah, right." she muttered in low key under her breath. "but it doesn't matter because i only wanna live a life with you no matter where or how."

antoine's eyebrow raised high, as in a swift movement he lay on top of his girlfriend and repeated the words she was so famous for, "and what happened to carpe diem?" he asked.

"i changed the phrase. it's carpe diem, with antoine griezmann."

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