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This is originally fallen4you (Christy's story) she's currently taking a break from Wattpad, read: http://www.wattpad.com/23701010-good-bye-to-the-readers-not-the-story/comment/48437700#.UhOBHJIyZsA, if you want to find out more.

She requested me to help her finish off the story so my writing and her writing might differ. She managed to finish up to Chapter Six so the author notes are all going to be from Christy so please don't be confused.

So here's to you Christy: stay strong and stay beautiful. This book will always be dedicated to you, love. Please get better soon <3


If you could have one wish. Just one wish, what would it be? If I was honestly lucky enough to have one wish, it would be to stop the tape called "Life" and rewind. Go back in time and change everything - to say the right words at the right time, to do the proper things at the proper occasion, and to live and love before it was too late. 

How I wish I could do more than just reliving the memories by erasing the mistakes, forgetting the pain I caused the one I loved. But I can't. We just can’t go back in time by clicking our fingers, because life doesn’t work like that. Life doesn’t give you a second chance so easily, not unless you work for it yourself. Yet, sometimes when you do, you try your best, you still don't succeed. 

Oh, please excuse my manners. Hi, I'm Charissa Jeynes, and sorry if I sounded really hopeless above. I'm nothing like that in real life, or at least – I wasn’t. This is my life story – and the one thing that caused me joy.

But that's going to take just a while. 

How should we put this? To put it bluntly, I’m the girl that girls dream to be, every guy wants to be with, and what every parent would wish their child would become.

Everyone knows me over here. I guess it's all thanks to my boyfriend, Seth Rogers, who's the typical, also perfect quarterback in the junior varsity football team, and just knows he has a sports schlorship handed to him after high school ends. The whole football team is known in this town, it was our pride. Honestly, we're just a small town stuck in the middle of nowhere, but that's an advantage I guess. Everyone knows everyone here.

Now, I'm not implying everyone likes everyone in this town, but they sure did know just about everything about each other. 

Now as for my friends, I guess I love my friends, most of the time. Or I'd act like I did. One thing I can tell you about them is that they are crazy – very, very crazy. They do shots, smoke, get high right before lessons, and believe it or not we're only 16. 

I'm not like them. I'm practically the "angel" within the group. I appreciate that they’re always there for me through thick and thin, mostly thins, but still. The thing is though, they're here way too often when I don't need them. They’re here with the materials I don't need, the cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, crack, you name it they have it. 

I'm not saying I've never tried any of those before, but I don't want to depend on those things to take out my pain or troubles on. Besides, you do stupid things when you're out of your senses.

Trust me, been there, done that.

I guess Seth was the only one who was truly there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to. He wasn't a very good listener though, as he liked things to go his way and he could get scary when they didn't. That was probably the only side of him which I hated -- and he knew that. He knew how to hide that side very well, until something goes way out of bounds for him. 

When it came to our personalities, we could be polar opposites. Except for the part where we were both nice. Other than that, his life was literally perfect, while mine was a complete fraud. That would be the biggest opposite, I suppose. He liked drinking, I hated it and only did it when I needed to. He did drugs for leisure, and like I said earlier, I don't touch that stuff. I know what you're thinking, I'm his girlfriend and if he was getting hooked up on this stuff at such an age, why didn't I stop him?

But who was I to tell him what to do? He needed everything to go his way, and telling him to stop wouldn't do anything. I have tried. So when he does everything that I don't approve of, I just do what I always do. I leave. He'd be fine by the next day, and as long as he was still there for me the next day, I had nothing to complain about. Our relationship was very simple, don't cross one another's boundaries and it would be alright.

Moving on, my family. This is the part where it gets slightly complicated. I have two older brothers who have just graduated from high school and are looking for universities to apply to, although they both have received more than a dozen offers already. Good genes run in the family. You can't deny it.

My brothers and I are three peas in a pod; we basically support each other in whatever situation. The problem is my parents. They try too hard to act as if our family life is perfect. They need to give everyone this image that we're this happy little family without any bullshit problems going on. 

I hate it.

Our parents got married because of a business deal. Apparently, their parents had introduced the both of them to each other when they were only 17 and they got married not long after that. They were never given a choice.

That’s probably the reason they’d come home fighting every day, and when things get a little out of hand, my mother puts her rage on my brothers, by hitting them. They're strong enough to protect themselves now, so it isn't a problem anymore. We grew up abused and unloved by our mother, although we never complained about it.

As for my father, we shared a couple of memories together when I was younger but that was it. He barely came home now, due to work and patients. He was a strong man - he stood for what he believed and he didn't let anyone correct him. I guess he was the one that brought me up to become this strong on the surface. 

They were our mother and father, not our mum and dad, those terms were way too warm and completely foreign to me. We had to respect them, not love them. 

As you can tell, I didn't grow up with parents that tucked me into bed and rocked me to sleep. I had the type of parents which trained me to become independent -- I was brought up to know better than to cry when I fell, but instead, to pick myself up, brush myself off and walk off with my head held high. 

To say that our family was messed up would be an understatement. 

I had everything planned and layed out in front of me since day one. Graduate high school with highest possible grades, become a doctor or a lawyer, or at least something that would be respected in society, get married, work, then die. Basically another version of my parents. 

Everything was stressing me.

Everything seemed perfect but nothing was.

It was all an illusion for the public to see. 

Everything was the same old, same old until he came. The one that inspired me to write this story in the first place. The one that changed my life without realizing it.

The one showing me there's a meaning in life.

The one who made me realize how to love and open up. The one that taught me when I thought no one cared, he did. 

And the truth about forever? The truth is that it has always existed - you just have to look close enough, within the right person and if you're ever so lucky, you might just find your forever. 


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