Chapter Eleven

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The Truth About Forever {Chapter Eleven}

Charissa's POV

"We need to talk." 

The four dreaded words breezed by my ears early next morning while I was at my locker. I instantly felt myself grow rigid once I knew that I couldn't avoid it - or him - any further. I let out a sigh as I closed my locker and turned to meet a pair of familiar turquoise eyes. They were still beautiful, no doubt about it, but it no longer mesmerised me, like it used to - like he used to.

"I haven't seen you in so long," Seth begins, as he wraps me in a tight hug, nuzzling my neck. I should be used to my boyfriend doing this, in fact, Seth was probably the master at public affection. This was a part of my daily routine - was. 

I pushed him away roughly, as he stumbles back. He looks at me in shock. "Babe?" 

"There are people looking," I mumble. And I wasn't lying - there were people looking. Truthfully, there were always people looking, who wouldn't be interested in the most popular couple in the school, especially when they were in the middle of an awkward situation? 

"So?" He says haughtily. "What does that have to do with anything?"

I hated this side of Seth so much. He barely showed this side of him, especially in front of me. I have seen him act this way only on two occasions - whenever he won a football match and decided he was better than anyone else and whenever someone had offended me in any way. He has never acted this way towards me. For God's sake, I was staying with this boy because he was nice. I didn't need his cocky attitude.  

I knew he was pissed, I would be too if my girlfriend had avoided me for a full week without an explanation. But I was even more pissed. He had slept with my best friend and not only did he not tell me about it, he had decided to pretend it never happened. Honestly, I didn't know whether I was pissed at him for doing that or at myself for still not being able to accept the fact that it had happened and move on. 

Or maybe it was just an excuse so I could break up with Seth. 

"I don't like it," I shrug, just as the bell rang. I pick up my bag from the floor, and started walking to my next class, but Seth doesn't give up this easily. He never does. 

His strong hand grasps my wrist and twirls me around effortlessly. Before I knew what was happening or what even happened, I was pinned against my own locker, with Seth just inches away from me. Most students had scurried off to their classes already, so there were only the two of us remaining. 

I couldn't help but feel a rush of fear rise inside me once I met Seth's frosty gaze. His grasps on my wrists never loosens and it was starting to hurt. I whimper a little but either Seth doesn't hear it or he pretends not to. 

"You don't like me hugging you," he snarls at me. "Or do you not like me?" 

"Seth, please calm down-"

"I'm not going to fucking calm down," his grasp tightening even further, as I let a strangled gasp. What the hell was he doing? Why was he acting like this? "You've left me hanging for the past week with no explanation, with not even a single call. And you think you have the right to tell me to calm down? I think I've stayed pretty fucking calm for too long. So who's the guy, Charissa? Why don't you just tell me? The sooner we get it over with, the better." 

"Get what over with? Seth, there is no guy. Whatever you've built in your mind, stop. There isn't anyone." 

"Then why won't you look me at me like you used to?" He hisses at me. I flinch again. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I reply, trying to calm my racing heart. "But I promise you, there is no other guy. So please Seth, you're hurting me. Please let go of me." 

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