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Woah this thing still exists? And it's still getting more views and comments by the day? Oops.

Stepping into the house was like stepping into another dimension. As soon as you walk through the door the temperature rises by 10 degrees. You immediately hear the loud pounding of the shitty techno music, and the smell of alcohol comes soon after. People were already lined down the long stretching hallway, talking and laughing about something or other. Everything was so busy and so many things were going on, it was almost too overwhelming. You almost walk out, because you are only looking for one person, which is the sole reason why you came here.

Earlier Mikasa had went to your house and convinced you to come to this hellhole again. She almost failed but when she mentioned them, you couldn't say no. But you absolutely doubt they would agree to come as well. Oh, well, have to live with this decision for the rest of your life now.

With one quick move, you're already halfway down the hall, and squishing past all the dancing bodies to find who you are looking for. Passing by the kitchen you take a peak through the doorway, and immediately regret it when you see a couple making out on the counter. Gross.

You sigh, and end up wandering to the living room, which was surprisingly empty. You plunk down on the old creaky couch and sigh once again. They probably aren't even here yet, so it was pointless to keep waiting. You kick your legs up onto the coffee table in front of you, that has been littered with red solo cups. You sigh and move your hair out of your eyes.

Hanji went to check her phone and frowned. No messages from Mikasa nor Levi. She was getting a bit annoyed now. The house smelt really weird and she thinks she sat in some big ass wad of gum. Not her ideal night.

Earlier that day, Mikasa had came to her house and tried to convince Hanji to go to the party. She almost refused, but then she mentioned Levi was coming. How could she say no? She wanted to make things right between the two. Levi hasn't spoken to her since the incident, and she was starting to miss her partner in crime. Plus, she wanted to tell him something important, so when she heard Levi has agreed to go to the party (crazy, I know right?) she couldn't disagree.

Hanji shoved her phone back into her leather jacket (that coincidentally she borrowed from Levi), and tapped her foot impatiently. Mikasa said she would at least meet her here.

After a couple more minutes of waiting she became impatient, and shot off the couch to go get a drink from the kitchen. Before taking another step, she saw him and her eyes went wide.

"Why hello, Hanji," Erwin greeted her as he smoothly made his way over to where she was standing in frozen shock. She didn't even know why. "Odd thing, seeing you here."

Hanji's eyes turned to him in a glare, "What's that supposed to mean?" Her jaw was set, and she took a challenging step forward her eyes bearing through him.

"It means that I'm glad to see you." He responded, completely unfazed by Hanji's attempts at intimidation. This made her even more agitated.

"Erwin, I'm a bit busy, I'm looking for someone." With that said, she looked over his shoulder to see if she could spot Levi, to no avail. Erwin just smirked.

"He isn't coming." He casually threw out, raising an eyebrow and waiting for a response. Hanji blew up.

"Look, could you get your scrawny ass out of my way so I could find at least a decent human being that doesn't smell like cologne and desperation!" Hanji snapped at him, and pushed her way forcefully past him. Erwin made quick work and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back and against the wall, her wrists pinned over her head.

"Don't get cocky, Zoe." He said in a low voice, looming over her easily with his tall height. "I know what you're going to tell him."

Hanji tried to hide her surprise and glared, "You know nothing." She snarled, and tried to wriggle herself free, but his grip tightened until her wrist started turning red.

"I know that you're moving." He teased her, and his smirk widened when Hanji stopped struggling and looked at him in confusion. "I also heard about your little falling out with Mr. Ackerman."

Hanji frowned in disgust, "Stalking creep."

"He probably hates you now, must be really disappointed." Erwin leaned in towards her face, and she made an attempt to back up. "You know, if you hadn't said what you had, he might have actually confessed to you."

She stopped moving, and looked up at him in confusion, "What do you-?"

"I mean, that he likes you. Or liked, rather." He explained. "Too bad, really."

"Wait, wh-what do you mean b-?" She stuttered, and was interrupted once again by Erwin sighing.

"You should just give up." He continued, sighing as if he expected her to know this. "He isn't coming, he doesn't care."

She looked down at her feet, and bit her lip in thought. It had already been a long time, and he wasn't here yet. He is usually a person to be early to things like this, but it has already been two hours since the party started, and she had come an hour late too. Maybe Erwin was right, she thought. He doesn't care. Erwin noticed her sadness, and his expression went sympathetic, his grip loosened on her arm and he let go. Her arms dropped to her side limply.

"I know how you feel." He said in a monotone, "I'll get you a drink." Without another word he stepped back from her and went into the kitchen. Hanji sighed and plopped down on the couch, deciding not to argue with him. She was so unenthusiastic she lost the ability to even hate the guy.

After about a minute he came back with two red solo cups filled with some obscure fruity alcoholic drink. She snatched it out of his hand, and immediately tipped the drink back and downed it in an instant. Erwin raised an eyebrow in surprise, as he tentatively sipped from the cup. Hanji's eyes were blown wide with adrenaline. Whatever was in that drink made her feel incredible, and she completely forgot about what she was sad about.

"Yahoo~!" She yelled and fell back onto the couch, "That shit is amazing! Get me more, will you?"

Erwin chuckled, and with no debate he came back a second later with a giant jug full of it. Hanji eagerly grabbed the jug, and didn't even question how he got a jug and why her mouth was turning numb. 

~Several Drinks Later (because I am hella lazy please give me a break)~

Hanji giggled, as she waved her empty jug around in the air. Erwin continued to watch her from a safe distance to make sure she didn't hurt herself and make sure he wasn't in the disaster zone. 

Hanji was a bit of a wreck when it came to alcohol. She had high tolerance, but as soon as she gets a little bit tipsy she is completely unbearable. She would first forget she was sad that she got abandoned and laugh her head off, then she would remember that she was sad and cry, then she would drink to forget. But she'd always remember. (;^])

Erwin sighed and decided to finally put his plan to work. He made his way over to her and sat beside her. She didn't even seem to notice him sit down until he placed a hand on her thigh.

"Hanji, are you okay?" He asked with a soft voice.

She shook her head apprehensively.

"Do you want me to make you feel better?" His tone hardened and his eyes hid a dark gleam in them.

Without knowing what she was doing, she nodded again and looked up at him through thick eyelashes. His smirk widened and he leaned in.







lol and you thought I was going to continue on.


also sorry I havent been updating. Like seriously Im so sorry.

1. writers block is terrible

2. wattpad is equally as terrible and ive been having some technical difficulties.

3. ily guys and special little mention to @CrazyBlueOwl for telling me to get my butt moving, tbh without them yelling at me I probably wouldn't have posted this. so yeah

lol bye

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