Can You Con?

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Today was the day Hanji had been waiting for. She has the tickets, all her clothes in one little luggage and some snacks in case the wait was long. She was ready.

Looking in the bathroom mirror she checked if her outfit was ready, when her phone suddenly started playing Unravel from Tokyo Ghoul. For some reason she put it as her ringtone for Levi.

"Shmello?" She answered putting a shoulder to her ear to hold the phone in place, as she fixed her hair. The person on the other line scoffed.

"Come on, I'm ready so come out now, your taking forever." Levi complained through the phone. She laughed. "Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Also, Levi."


"Are you wearing your Natsu stuff?"

He sighed and looked down at the open vest he was wearing and blew a piece of pink wig hair out of his eye.

"Yes... Are you wearing your Lucy stuff?"

She looked in the mirror at her blonde wig and the miniskirt accompanied by a blue and white vest. Her keys hung by her hip, and she jingled them by doing a little twerk dance.

"Yup, all set!"

"Right, let's go."


"Why am I Natsu, again?"

"Because. Nalu."


Levi suddenly stepped on the brakes, as the traffic in front of him stopped. Both Hanji and Levi groaned in unison, having stayed in the car for almost 3 hours, to go to the convention.

"Yeah, but it's winter and I am wearing practically nothing for a shirt." He shivered for effect and Hanji laughed.

"At least you aren't Gray." She giggled imagining her best friend as Gray.

"Still, I'm cold and it's a bit embarrassing."

"Don't be a baby, you look good!"

"Was this just an excuse to see me with practically no shirt on?"



"Food! Food! Food! Food!" Hanji chanted as she skipped beside Levi. She was trying act as close to Lucy as possible, but she was failing miserably. So was Levi, trying to be Natsu. He was too much of a grouch.

As they walked to a food stand, they walked by a group of girls and they started giggling. It was a bit obvious they were oogling Levi's six pack (because who wouldn't) and partly fangirling over his Natsu cosplay (because who wouldn't).

They looked at Hanji in her spot on Lucy and started cringing. Because when you cosplay your OTP it obviously means that you are dating each other, right? Apparently according to them it is.

Hanji noticed them glaring, and when Levi wasn't looking she stuck up the middle finger and wagged her tongue at them, smiling like a maniac. The girls just rolled their eyes and continued to talk about shit that no one cared about.

"Oi, what was that about?" Hanji snapped her head back around to see Levi glaring at her.

"What, what did I do now?" She asked innocently. Levi just rolled his eyes and ruffled Hanji's wig.

"Whatever, weirdo. By the way nice touch with the middle finger" He added and went to stand in line for food.


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