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The next morning, I woke up pretty satisfied that I got plenty of sleep.  It was almost like I never woke up in the middle of the night. 

I looked at the clock on my phone and my eyes widened when I saw the time.  I almost threw my phone. No wonder I got such good sleep!

The clock read 1:39 p.m. Damn it. I rolled out of bed and into the bathroom.

I turned on my music and got in the shower, taking my time since I had nothing important to do today. 

The song that played was 'Bring Me to Life' by Evanescence.  This song is addicting.  Once I got out, I realized that I had neither brought clothes nor towels with me.

I was thinking of an escape route to my room without people seeing me.  I then wanted to again face palm myself since I totally forgot that the bathroom was connected to my room.  I wasn't used to living in my new house yet. 

I walked into my room and got ready for the day.

Once I was dressed, – black leggings; an oversized sweater, with one shoulder showing; and black no-show socks – I left my damp hair to fall over my shoulders and put on my glasses.

I started walking downstairs and stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a husky, male voice, almost causing me to trip and fall down the rest of the stairs.

I think I know that voice. Sure enough, when I reached the bottom of the stairs, where Carly was lying,  there sat Alex, Addie, my mom, and an older woman  that I didn't recognize in the living room. 

My eyes locked with Alex's for a split second before I broke the contact and started for the kitchen.

 "Sammie, dear, we thought you were never going to wake up," my mom said.

"Sorry, I had a long night," I said, while sneaking a glance at Alex, who was smirking. "Honey, this is Alex and Addie's mother, Mrs. Johnson," my mom introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson," I said while shaking her hand.  "Please, call me Sabrina," the older woman said. 

"I'm Samantha, Sam for short," I explained and smiled up at her.

She was pretty tall for a woman, while I couldn't say the same for myself. I was 5'3" and hated it.

"Same to you, Sam," Sabrina answered. "I'm going to go get some breakfast – well I guess lunch," I announced to no one in particular.

I decided to make scrambled eggs. I got eggs out of the fridge and a pan out of the cabinet.

I turned around to the stove to turn it on and drop my eggs in the pan. In the process I jumped, seeing Alex in the kitchen doorway. 

"I was just coming to get some water... where's the cups?" he asked, running a hand through his soft-looking, blonde hair.

Wow, he's so rude.

I gave him a cup and instructed him to get water from the fridge.

He sat down at the bar, and stared.... again.  "You stare at me a lot... is there something wrong with me?" I asked, bringing my hand up to my face, slowly, thinking there was something on it.

"Nah," was his reply. He didn't further explain.

Although I wanted him to explain, I didn't push him to say any more.

While I was cooking, Alex stayed in the kitchen with me, his excuse being that sitting in the living room with our moms was boring.

I just shrugged and turned on some music.

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