2. Can I call you Kate?

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It's Tuesday afternoon and school has ended. I like school, I like the structure of it, they way it's organised. I am good at school. It's probably the only thing I'm good at...

I'm so tried though, that's probably the only thing I hate about school, being so tired when I come home.

It's about 6pm and I hear someone tapping on my window I open my window and see Tyler Moon. What does he want? I let him in an he looks nervous. "Are you alright?" I ask not knowing what to say. He nods and clears his throat. "Katherine Lousie baker you are my mate" he announces.

I stare at him blankly, is this a joke? "I'm sorry, what?" I say sounding panicked. "Today when our skin touched I felt it, and you felt it too baby, we are mates we belong together" he says holding out his hand "come with me"

I stand there frozen, this guy is crazy! "Get out please, your scaring me" I gasp, he looks confused "baby why am I scaring you, we are mates it's that simple" he says. "Mates? What do you mean mates? As in friends?"

He chuckles at my confusion. "No baby mates as in ware wolves, you are my mate" he says. I laugh "yeah, yeah good one, now get out" I say leading him towards the window. "What are you doing!?" He asks. "Leave or else I will call the cops okay?" I say. "Baby please you know it's true, please!" He begs.

"GET OUT!" I yell he looks sad. "This is not how I planed this I'm so sorry baby!" He says. "Stop calling me baby and get out!" I hiss, he nods and jumps out of the window. I watch him go, he is crazy! It's official I live next door to a psychopath...


~the next day~

The next day is awkward, Tyler keeps staring at me with a sad look on his face. I ignore him I am focusing on my work.

At lunchtime he sits with me and my friends. My friends give me a weird look and I just shrug not knowing what to do. "Can I help you?" I ask wanting him to leave. "Baby I need to talk to you" he says, my friends look at each other.

I hear there muffled whispers like "did he just call her baby?" And "are they together?". I ignore them "No do NOT call me baby you need help, you are crazy please leave" I say trying my best not to loose my temper. He sighs "just come talk with me please it's urgent!" He begs.

I sigh. Should I go with him, I mean he didn't hurt me or anything... I get up and he looks shocked that I am agreeing. I turn to my gobsmacked friends "I'll be back in a minute" I say and walk outside. He follows me. "You have a minute" I snap when we are outside away from everyone.

"Look I know you think I'm crazy, but you don't know the truth I can prove it to you as well." I skate my head "you ARE crazy!" I snap.

He sighs "just hear me out, okay so my father is the leader of our pack, he is the alpha. My eldest brother Ethan his next in line. All of us are ware wolves. We can transform into our wolf selves at any time, especially when we get mad" I shake my head "Tyler this is just insane how do you expect me to believe you for one second!" I snap.

He scratches his head not knowing what to say, then he looks at me like he mad an idea. "Kathrine make me mad" he asks. I shrug "how?". "Say you are in love with someone else and that you don't love me" he says. "Okay, Tyler I'm in love with someone else and we can never be together!" I say and I can see him getting mad.

I continue, "He's just so nice and he makes me feel like a real women, it's not you its me Tyler I'm sorry" he starts to shake, it's pretty funny really. I keep going, "I choose him over you Tyler it's the way it has to be" I say.

His eyes turn a grey hazy colour, and he starts breathing really weirdly. "Tyler, this isn't a joke is it?" I say realises that everything he said about him being walk wolf is in fact, true.." I stand back as I'm afraid of that's going to happen next. "Tyler!" I shriek terrified of what's about to happen.

Suddenly I jump as a he turns into a giant grey coloured wolf. "Oh my god!" I gasp. This isn't real, it's so unreal but in fact it's real. "It's true" I gasp. I pat his head and he leans into my touch.

Here I am patting a wolf formed Tyler, this is crazy...

I hear some people coming around the corner and so does Tyler he runs off into the woods. I stand there still shocked. I need to go home.


That night I lay in bed with so many thoughts running through my head. I'm so confused. I hear tapping on my window. It's him! To be honest in scared, he's a wolf, he's wolf! I open the window for him, he is in his human form. "Hi" I say shyly. He smiles "are you alright?" He asks "yeah just a little, you know shocked" I admit. "I understand, I didn't before but now I do" he says. I nod "well it's not everyday your neibour reveals that he is a ware wolf" I say. He chuckles. "No it's not" he agrees.

"Are you tired?" He asks, "yeah but I can't sleep" I say, he nods. "Lie down" he says I give him a confused look. "What?" I ask. "Lie down you know it's what you do when you sleep" he says, I roll my eyes "yeah I get that but why?" I ask, "I'll help you sleep, I'll down with you" he says. I gasp "no you will not!" I hiss, he rolls his eyes

"Katherine we are mates it's okay" he says. "How do you know that we are mates?" I ask. "Well" he sits on the bed, "hold out your hand" he instructs I hold out my hand. He holds out his hand and puts it in mine. Suddenly I feel electric sparks run through my body, I gasp

"you see this means we are mates, we belong together" he says and I pull my hand away. "That felt weird" I admit, he nods "I know but it felt good as well right?" He asks. I hate to admit it but I did kind of feel good... "Yeah I guess so" I admit shyly. He laughs. "Lie down" he says. I sigh,  fine

I go to my side of the bed and lie down, he pulls the covers over me so I'm nice and warm. "Let your mind rest Kathrine" he says soothingly. I nod and close my eyes. "Katherine?" He asks. "Yeah" I mumble sleepily. "Can I call you Kate?" He asks, I'm too tired to answer so I just muffle out what sounds like "mmhmm". I feel the bed shift and he climbs in beside me. "Goodnight Kate" he whispers in my ear and it sends shivers down my spine.

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