7. Brand New

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I wake up feeling.... Odd. It's the mark, it's got to be the mark!

Tyler is next to me. He is watching me closely I turn to look at him.

"You feel weird?" He asks.

I nod my head, my vision is sharp. Better than ever.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"Your mark is developing" he says.

"Can I get up?" I ask.

"If you want to fall over yes" he says and laughs.

"When will it develop?" I ask.

"By tonight"


That night...

I wake up feeling better. My mark is fully developed. I see Tyler walk into the room. For some some reason I get up and run to him.

"I love you!" I squeal. Why am I doing this? What's wrong with me?!

He laughs "this so the first stage of getting your mark, you become devoted to your mate"

So this is what this is...

"How long will it last?" I ask.

"Just a day" he says and walks off.

Oh thank god.

I look around the room there's so much I have to process, what does this mark even mean and why was it so necessary? What even am I? I have questions and Tyler needs to answer them, now.

I run up to him in the kitchen. "I need to ask you stuff cause I'm so confused!" I plead.

He sighs and nods. "I'm all ears" he says.

"How can you have a human mate is that even possible?"

"No it's not possible your half vampire you know that but vampires and werewolves can't be mates so there must be a werewolf in your bloodline, I'm still trying to work it out for myself."

"My father?"

"Well apparently he is/was human but we don't know"

"If there's a possibility that I'm half vampire and half werewolf does that make me a.."

"A hybrid, that means your dangerous" he chuckles,

"That's funny?"

"My mates dangerous"

"Could be you don't know for sure it could just be in my bloodline as you said"

"I guess so, what else do you want to know?"

"Why did you have to mark me?"

"Because I want other wolves to know that you are mine"

"That's a little overprotective, don't you think?"

"It's normal for Wolves to overprotective of their mates if I wasn't what sort of mate would I be?"

"A less overprotective one?"

"A bad one"

"I guess?"

"Well is there anything else?" He asks

"Um, if I am half vampire, I don't know if this is a myth or what but couldn't your mark bite kill me?"

"It's not a myth it's very true a bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire but because your half human or werewolf whatever you are the bite doesn't effect you"

"Oh ok"


"I think I'm done, for now"

"Okay well your mother has invited us to a ball tonight"

"A ball, are you serious"

He nods "to celebrate you return"

"I don't have a dress"

"Yes you do"

"No I don't"

"Then what's this?" He says and hands me a bag that was on the counter.

"Where did this come from?"

"Your mother got it for you, don't put it on now put it on later and then I have a surprise for you"

"A surprise?"

"Yeah just a little present" he says and heads to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Out, I'll be back soon don't leave" he says and with that he's gone.

I can't wait to see the dress!

And I can't wait for the surprise present!

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