Found....kind of

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Cold. Alone. Afraid.....and bored out of her mind. Frostbite had been in the pod for 3 earth days, more than half of her energon food is gone. And she starting to doubt her brothers last words to her. "We will find you....we love you."
Frostbite was not supposed to be awake yet, the pod had awoken her to early and now the little sparking just sits there looking out the large tinted pod window.
"Where are my brothers?...." Frostbite started to talk to her self. "They will find me."
The pod suddenly started to shake and Frostbite Yelped in panic, the pod then put her back in stasis and started to head in a planet atmosphere. Earths atmosphere.

*In Autobot base*

Ratchet stood looking at the children + Bumblebee and Bulkhead. They were playing video games and making quite a ruckus, the medic scowled from all the loud noise and was about to throw wrenches at them when the screen buzzed. The medic turned, wrenches still in hand. He read the screen his eyes when wide.

"Optimus!" The medic yelled for the team leader. A moment later the great Optimus came in with Wheeljack by his side. The medic turned to the screen and then back to Optimus. "What's up Sunshine?" Wheeljack said in a teasing tone. The medic scowled at him but spoke.

"I have picked up a faint and small cybertronian signal. It looks to be a ship or maybe a escape pod...." Ratchet explained. By now the children were listing to the conversation and so was Bumblebee and Bulkhead.

"Autobot or Decepticon?" Bulkhead asked. The medics looked at the screen for a little bit then turned to the X-wrecker. "I'm not sure, the scan does not tell me." The medic replied.

"You guys should check it out.....can we come!!" Miko yelled suddenly. The bots turned to her.

"No Miko. It might be a Decepticon and you could get hurt." Optimus said to Miko. The others agreed. Miko gave an a look to say 'Unfair' but said not said nothing more.

"So who's going to check it out?" Acree asked coming into the room with Cliffjumper.

"I will go. Cliffjumper, Bumblebee and Acree will come also." Optimus said and as he said that a ground bridge opened up. "Ratchet you will come just in case it's an Autobot and their hurt." Optimus added turning to the medic. Ratchet nodded and fallowed the others in the ground bridge.

I fix somethings...

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