Fearing to disappear

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Let the darkness rise
You are the light
You are the shining stars
A soft sturdy femmes voice rang out in the black that Frostbite saw. It was all black but the voice was calming.....and yet familiar.
We love you to no end
But we must defend from evils grasp
You are the key to stop the death
Theses words were sang before to help Frostbite sleep. This soft voice was her carriers....her mothers voice.

"Momma?" The hushed voice of Frostbite asked. There was no response, there was no light.

Do not cry, do not worry
Daddy will stay forever
I will hold you in my arms and keep you close
Do not cry and do not worry, for I have you
This voice was not her mothers. It was deeper and yet still soft, it made her sleepy and warm. This song was sang by her carrier and sire during the war when Frostbite couldn't sleep.
They will not harm you
Your knights in gleaming armor will strike fast
We are your stars that guide you
The voices were now mixed in a perfect harmony. The Knights Frostbite knew were her brothers and 'we are your stars' means family that has fallen. Frostbite sat crisscross in the darkness. She wasn't scared, she was more curious then anything.
They are here to help
Stay with us to keep you safe
Don't be scarred just trust them
Love them and be strong!
Each voice took turns, voices going up and down. You could hear the smiles in there voice. First her mothers voice and then her father.

"Momma! Daddy!" Frostbite jumped up hearing no more lyrics. Running forward toward a burning flame Frostbite tripped and fell only to be caught in the arms of Wheeljack. "Uncle Jackie?" Frostbite whispered looking up at him. Wheeljack smiled softly down at her and put his large servo on her cheek. Frostbite looked at him scared and yet confused. Suddenly Wheeljack turned to white dust and disappeared. Frostbite shrieked out of horror and stumbled back. Then somehow in this empty place it got windy. Colors like silky white, soft pink, soothing purple and sky blue were seen. The colors that looked like dust circled around Frostbite and made figures. Frostbite stared at them in awe and reached out to touch them when the colors turned to burning yellow, faming orange, light brown and ice blue. These colors tore Frostbite's amor. Screaming in pain and fear Frostbite ran and fell this time no one caught her. On her stomach Frostbite looked up seeing the flouting colors joined more. The first colors were added by stunning silver, bright red, happy yellow, soft green and more whole the hurtful colors were added by more yellow, Black and Tan. The colors mixed and Frostbite watched but quickly looked around. 'This is a dream...' Frostbite thought and closed her optics. 'Please Primus help me!' Frostbite called out.

"Frostbite!" The young femme sat up quickly looking around seeing she was in the Med. Bay. Taking note on where she was she now looked around for the voice that called her name. Seeing no Cybertronian around Frostbite looked down and sighed.

"How did I get in the Med. Bay?" Frostbite asked looking around again when Breakdown walked in. At first he didn't notice her sitting up while he put down some equipment. With his back to the the femme Frostbite stared at him confused.
"Uncle Breakdown?" She asked softly. Breakdown jumped dropping something and turned.

"O-oh Frostbite your awake. How are your helm and servos?" He asked wide optic walking to her. Frostbite looked at him with still confused optics until she touched her helm and winced. Looking at her servos she saw they were wrapped. Breakdown saw her confusion written face and picked her up carefully. He held her in the air looking at her frown making himself frown. "Nope. That won't do..." Breakdown state. Frostbite looked at him odd and was about to ask what when she was throw in the air and caught again. Taking a moment to realize what was happing Frostbite screamed out in laughter. Breakdown smirked and chuckled seeing her laughing. Throwing her up in the air a few more times and catching her he brought her close to his face. Frostbite giggled her servos hovering over her chassis and up to her mouth, acting quickly Frostbite grabbed his helm and hugged it. Breakdown froze but laughed along with her.

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