Falling apart

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This chapter is in thanks to people who read my book and comment not it.
~Bond talk~
#Speaker talk#
:Bumblebee talk:
At Autobot Base-No ones point of view

Ratchet starred at the monitors looking for movement. Steelfist and Ironfist were supposed to be coming today but had yet to show up. Ratchet sighed and tapped his digits on the consul  in boredom before Blukhead came running in the room trying to catch the metal ball of scraps for his game.

"I got it! I got it!" Bulkhead shouted grabbing it and falling on something hearing a snap.

"Bulkhead!!! I needed that!" Ratchet yelled throwing his hands in the air and walking out to the room in a pissed mood. Bulkhead muttered a quiet 'sorry' before standing back up. Wheeljack came in the room with a smirk.

"What's that face for?" Bulkhead asked.

"Ironfist said he and his brother will be here soon." Wheeljack said. Bulkhead gave a 'ohh' sound before the others walked in the room.

"When Ironfist and Steelfist are here we will rescue Frostbite. With their help it will be a safer and easier task." Optimus Prime said next to a scowling Ratchet.

"Do you think they would actually hurt a sparkling?" Smokescreen asked.

"No. Megatron might be evil and leader of the Decepticons, but he would never hurt a sparkling. He never has and never will, he fought for sparklings to be treated with respect and love back on Cybertron when he was a gladiator." Optimus said surprising Smokescreen. A beeping sound came from the monitor and Ratchet quickly went up to it and turn on the com.

-This is Team Prime.- Ratchet said.

-This is Ironfist and Steelfist Ratchet.- Ironfist voice called out on the monitor.

-When are you two going it get your aft's down here.- Wheeljack said walking behind Ratchet.

-We are Ten minutes out. You never were a patient one were you." Ironfist laughed. Wheeljack grinned knowing the brothers didn't change and stiffen up. A car was heard driving into the base, Mrs. Darby's car drove into base stopping quickly.

"Oh Primus..." Acree and Bulkhead said at the same time. Jack, Miko and Raf got out of the car, fallowed by Mrs. Darby. Miko looked enraged while the two boys were calm. Miko stomped up to Bulkhead and pointed up at him.

"And why haven't you let us in base??" She asked clearly mad. Bulkhead sighed looking to Optimus. The Prime signed and closed his optics before opening them.

"During a battle Frostbite snuck in to the ground bridge and the Decepticons found her. The have her now." Optimus explained.

"She sound like Miko..." Jack said earning a glare from Miko.

"How are you going to get her back?" Raf asked looking up to Optimus and Ratchet.

"We are not clear on that yet." Ratchet said.

"She had severe depression, which for sparkling it was fatal. We need to get her back to make sure she's healthy safe." Acree said servos crossed leaning on her side.

"Her brothers will be here soon to rescue her with us." Ratchet said holing a data pad in font of the monitor. He looked down at the drawing sadly...hopefully Frostbite is ok. Ratchet thought.

"Cool! What are their names?!" Miko asked excitedly from Bulkhead's shoulder.

:Ironfist and Steelfist are the brothers coming to earth and the sparkling's name is Frostbite. If you guys get to see her you will love her.: Bee said. The other bots nodded in agreement.

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