To You, I Offer My Hand

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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV

"Harry this isn't a good idea!" Hermione cried.

"Mione, I have to do it. I don't think he knew it would go this far....I have to try!" I argued. We had to try.

I know how to help Voldemort. We don't have to kill him, instead, we could get Tom Riddle back. It was tricky, We had to get all the Horcruxes and release them. Not destroy them. There was a way. We had already taken care of 6. Nagini, the goblet, the necklace, the ring, and the diadem. Lastly is the journal. That was the key to Tom.

"Mione's right, how do we know he is even willing to join over? He could come back and start up again." Ron said. He stood behind Hermione. They were worried for me.

They didn't believe it would work. I know it will. I read it in a proficy of types. Hermione was worried He'd kill me but that isn't true. He wouldn't.

"All we have to do is release his last Horcrux." I said. This had to be done. It was important! I grabbed the journal and  opened it. I took the passage I read from the proficy and wrote it in.

Third Person POV

As the letters were absorbed into the book it started to tremble and glow. A high-pitched and painful ring resonated through the room they were in. The three covered their ears and brandished their wands. The light engulfed the whole room and the ringing climbed to higher pitches. They felt as if they were going to pass out.

"Where....what's going on?" came a smooth voice from the center of the bright light. Harry stepped forward. The voice was very similar to Tom's only sounding more grown up.

"Tom? Grab my hand!" He yelled over the ringing and thrusts his hand into the center of the blinding light.

Tom's POV

Harry. I'd know his voice anywhere. It was a pure sound that was irresistible. I haven't heard it since the Chamber of Secrets was open. Then everything went black and I wake up here but i was a proper wizard again not Voldemort. I was him for so long. Evil, vile. He took my ideals too far.

"Tom? Grab my hand!" 

I reached for the hand and as I grabbed it the blinding light began to fade and I saw a small but comfortable room. Looked to be the Griffindor dorm rooms. I saw white flurries outside the window. It must be Christmas.

"Harry?" I asked confused. I felt like a newborn child. Confused and though I'll never admit it, slightly scared. I looked at him and all I could see in his eyes was victory and a what looked like care. Harry, cared for me? That is something I thought I'd never see from anyone.

"What's your name?" I looked over to the source of the voice. I saw a tough looking girl, Hermione. She had a look of disbelief and doubt written into her features. There stood a red head behind her. Ron I guess. I never properly saw them, only through Voldemort's memories.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle." I said. I knew who I was. I wasn't the same evil, wizard that Voldemort was. I agree that I share many traits with him but his ideals are all wrong. Muggle-borns, I was only after them. I wasn't going to harm any others, but still he even killed pure wizards. He had no right, I had no right.

"It's you! It worked!" Harry cheered and leaped into my arms for a hug. He hugged so tight it was like he was scared to lose me... wait has he read the proficy? Is he the other part of that? Well, isn't that a bonus. That might explain things a lot more.

Third-Person POV

"Harry? What the hell are you doing?" Ron asked in complete bafflement. He was...hugging the enemy?

"Well guys...I was meaning to tell you this but I..I was reading and...." Harry said quietly and fiddled with robes.

"Bloody hell, spit it out will ya?" Ron blurts with impatience.

"You know that proficy I was reading? Well it states that...Tom and I are soul....soul mates." Harry finishes and looks at his friends.



I hope you like the *first* installment of your present. I had to make it more than one chapter because one page is around 690 words. So the full thing is around 1200 words or more. Have fun you youngster.

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