Chapter 9

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I wake to an empty bed and hear the shower turn on in the bathroom. Henry must be getting ready for our trip. I rise from the mattress and go to the closet for a robe, wrapping it around me before entering the bathroom myself.

It's about two times the size of my one at home... old home, I correct myself. There are two vanities and a large shower between them. The compartment is closed, but I can still see his shadow.

I avert my eyes and walk over to the vanity where my toiletries have already been set up. I search the buttons on the panel for the teeth cleaner. Once I find it, I push it and place my chin on the ledge that appears. I tap the button again and close my eyes as the small laser begins its work.

I open my eyes when I hear the shower turn off a few minutes later. In my peripheral vision, I see the door recede and instinctively tighten my robe.

Henry steps out naked and doesn't seem to notice me at first. When goes up to his own vanity and looks in the mirror, he must see my reflection because he freezes. He grabs a towel from the bar below the ledge and hastily wraps it around himself. "I didn't hear you come in." His tone is quiet, but not accusatory.

"I didn't want to disturb you." I point to the now vacant shower. "May I?"

He nods, and I can feel his eyes on me as I force myself to calmly remove my robe with my back to him. I hang it on the hook outside the chamber. Once I hear the door close behind me, I let out the breath I've been holding since I partially bared myself to Henry.

I quickly set the shower to my preferences and set the timer to five minutes, not wanting to take too much time this morning in case Henry or his parents needs to prep me more for our tour.

As the jets dry me, I decide to wear a skirt and blouse today. When I exit the shower, the bathroom is empty. I finish my routine and get dressed faster than I ever have before. The only exception is the morning I unexpectedly got Matched.

I find Henry in the dining room with his parents and quietly take my seat beside him.

"Good morning, Rosemary," Helen greets me. "I was thinking I could show you more of your responsibilities when you return."

"Yes, that would be nice. Thank you."

The President says, "I want you to sit in on the meetings today, Henry. Take notes on how compromises are made."

Henry stiffly nods, and his father calls Wyatt in from the living room where the little boy was playing.

Breakfast is served once he comes in.

When the plates are cleared, the President opens his tablet, hits a few buttons, and closes it again. "I've just sent you the bios of your security detail today and the blueprints to the facility. Familiarize yourself with them on the ride over."

Henry nods and we are immediately escorted into the car.

Our pair of purple-suited bodyguards for the day, one for each of us, walk ahead of us and clear the entrance before letting us inside.

A man wearing a carnation pink lab coat greets us. His name tag reads Randall. "Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Clark. If you'll please come this way..." He leads us down the right corridor off the atrium and gestures to the right. "There, we have our secretarial offices where our assistants take important calls, transfer reports from one department to another, and coordinate with the international branches to make sure everything runs smoothly."

Henry doesn't make any comment, and I follow his example.

"On your left," our tour guide continues, "You will see the sorting and storage warehouse."

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