Girls, all they say is 'blah, blah'

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Okay so this is a new story that I'm writing. It was just for fun and my friend told me to put it on here so yeah...

Chapter One

My blood ran cold as soon as the words left my father's mouth.  

"Dad no. Anything but that." I begged, clasping my hands together in front of me.  

"I'm sorry V-La but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me! For us, Val. It'll be a new beginning." Dad said softly.  

"I don't want a new beginning! I happen to like my old beginning!" I cried, throwing my hands up in exasperation.  

"Val if there was anything I could do to make this easier for you-" 

"There is, dad! You could NOT make us move to America!" I exclaimed angrily.  

"Valentine Firton we are moving to California next week and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm sorry sweety but you know my work makes me move. We've done it before we can do it again." Dad smiled, his voice stern and not holding any room for argument.  

"But then it was just across the country! Now it's a whole new one! That's totally differen-" 

"Valntine.." Dad warned.  

I sighed in frustration.  

"Have you told PJ yet?" I asked quietly.  

Dad nodded and turned back to his paper that he had been reading before he announced the news that has since ruined my life.  

"Last week." Dad shrugged and laughed at something on the page.  

An angered frown slipped onto my face.  

"LAST WEEK!" I screamed, absolutely outraged. "YOU'VE KNOWN SINCE LAST WEEK THAT WE WERE MOVING AND YOU DIDN'T- wait. PJ'S KNOWN SINCE LAST WEEK TOO?! Oh hoho that boy is in for some deep shi-" I cut myself off when I saw my dads face and quickly changed it. "Shisnick. That boy is in for some deep Shisnick. Where is he?" I growled.  

"In his room. Oh, and V-la?" Dad called after my retreating figure. I turned to him, my hands on my hips and positively fuming. "Don't kill him."  

"No promises." I snarled and stormed upstairs to my twin's room. Yes. TWIN. You'd think you're own twin would tell you something this life changing as soon as he heard it? Well I did too.  

When I got to his room I didn't bother knocking on the door, just walked straight in. Well, stormed more like it.  

"Paxton James Firton I cannot believe you didn't tell me we were moving as soon as you found out!" I yelled at him and cracked my knuckles, something I always did when I was angry or upset.  

PJ was sitting on his bed, holding his soccer ball, meaning he had been playing with it, but was looking at me.  

The guilt was clear in his eyes making me instantly forgive him because I knew he honestly regretted not telling me.  

With us being twins we could tell that sort of stuff.  

But I wouldn't let him know that.  

"Dad made me swear not to tell you! We both knew you'd react like this and I just wanted to put off you being upset for as long as I could. How'd you find out?" he frowned truthfully.  

Aww! He was just trying not to hurt me.  

Bullocks! How was I supposed to be mad at him when he's just being so sweet?! 

"Thats not fair PJ, why is it so hard to stay mad at you?" I groaned and fell backwards onto his bed, my head landing in his lap.  

"Because I'm just so lovable." PJ shrugged with a smile.  

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