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Donna's P.O.V

“What I'm saying is that we never spend that much time together as a couple or with friends anymore.” Donald my husband was arguing. God not this time we have been over this so many times. “How could we? We have a 10 and 12 year old and the Ieros have a 10 year old. Both of us don't have anyone to take care of them.” I argued back. Donald groaned and rubbed his face. Suddenly the door swings open and my oldest son Gerard is standing there.

Gerard's P.O.V

“Gerard... I'm hungry.... make me a penutebutter and jelly sandwich please? You'll be be my favorite brother in the whole world.” My little brother Mikey whined. “I'm your only brother stupid.” I replied. “Fine I'm done with being sweet. How about, Hey retard make me a sandwich or else I will destroy your favorite oil crayons!” My eyes widened at that. He wouldn't would he? “Fine.” I finally gave in.

He gave off an evil laugh and ran to the living room. He is such an evil dork. I go to the kitchen to make the devil the sandwich. Hmm now wheres that penutbutter? “Mikey have you seen the pentutbutter?” “No go ask mom!” Sighing I climb up the stairs and when I got to their room I could here them talking. “How could we? We have a 10 and 12 year old and the Ieros have a 10 year old. Both of us don't have anyone to take care of them.” I felt bad for them. They always take care of us and they never get time to themselves.

I then open the door with and idea. “Mom, dad, you know that I can babysit for you guys. I'm 12 and I'm old enough to stay home alone already. I can handle taking care of Mikey and Frank you know.” I suggested. “I don't know...” My mother trailed off. “Look son we don't know if your ready to take on this type of responsibility.” My dad added on.

“Mom me and Mikey are both mature for our ages. We are not that stupid you know.” My mom gave me a weird look. “ What do you mean not THAT stupid?” “Hehehe ohh nothing. Anyways Frank is easy to take care of. I'm mean he is very hyper but I can handle that. Please let me babysit?” I begged my parents and pulled the puppy dog face. Usually they can't say no to that face.

My mom was hesitant but finally gave in. “Fine but if something horrid goes wrong then we will never let you babysit again. Do you understand? “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will do a great job, I promise! Ohh how I love you two! Also have you seen the penuttbutter?” My father chuckled, “ The penuttbutter is in the cabinet on the top shelf.” I then zoomed out the door and down the stairs to make the sandwich. And what do you know? The penuttbutter was there! Ohh how can this day get any better? Ohh yea I get to hang out with my best friend.

I handed Mikey his food with a giant smile. “Bro whats up with the creepy smile? Oh my god. You didn't poison my food did you. Ohh my god you did!” Mikey said with a horrified look. I took the sandwich from his hand and I took a bite. “Hey my sandwich!” “Your the one who thought it was poison. I was just trying too prove it wasn't. Also I'm happy because I'm babysitting you tonight. MUHAHAHA!” Mikey groaned and continued watching TV.

Finally it was time for my parents to leave. “Alright honey Frank will be here in a bit. Dinner is in the fridge ready to warm up in the microwave. Our numbers are also on the refrigerator in case of an emergency. Also don't let your little brother by the toaster.” My parents instructed.

“Alright ma we will be fine. Go and enjoy yourselfs!” “Fine, fine, but no parties. Okay?” My dad joked. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. “We all know that me, Mikey, and Frank don't have any friends. That is one huge reason for that there is no parties that are going to happen.” Suddenly the doorbell rings. Behind it there is a hyper looking Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Ieros. Frank zoomed in laughing like a maniac landing on Mikey. After going over everything once again they all left. Now it was just the three of us.

“Alright Mikey sorry but your not aloud by the toaster and Frank if your good tonight I will buy you a pack of skittles an ice cream.” “ONE TIME! ONE TIME I STICK A FORK IN THE TOASTER AND I'M NEVER AROUND THE THING AGAIN!GOSH WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?” Me and Frank start laughing so hard that we almost started crying. Mikey just huffed and went into the living room. Frank all of a sudden ran and tackled me into a hug almost knocking me down. “Whoa Frankie what was that for?” “This is because you are awesome and you said you will buy me skittles tomorrow!” “Anything for you and Mikey, Frankie. Anything for you guys.”

Finally he let go and we went into the living room where Mikey was playing video games. After a while of playing that we had ate dinner. It was pasta and it was pretty good. “Gee can I go get a comic book from your room?” “Sure Frankie” Me and Mikes have been sitting on the couch for about five minutes now. Seems like Frankie is having a hard time to choose from the huge collection. Suddenly there was a loud thump and Frank scream. Me and Mikey jump up and race to the stairs. At the bottom there is Frank lying on his stumache.

When he rolls over he had a tear rolling down his cheek. “Awe buddy what happened” Mikey asked concerned. Frank sniffed and replied, “I tripped on the last few stairs and fell. Now my leg hurts.” Mikey bent down to give him a hug and sat him up we pulled up his pants a pit to see his leg. It was bleeding a bit but it look okay. Mikey then left to go and retrieve an icepack and a wash cloth. I wrapped an arm under his legs and another under his arms carrying him to the couch. Mikey came back and cleaned his wound and sealed it with a batman band-aid.

“Wanna watch some movies?” Mikey asked us. “Sure.” Me and Frank agreed. Mikey then put in the Nightmare Before Christmas. God I love that movie. Frank sat on me and snuggled up to me laying his head on my shoulder. Poor thing is tired. Same with Mikey, he sat close to me and snuggled to my side. We all ended up falling asleep like that. All snuggled up to each other. Hopefully I will get to babysit them again. It was pretty fun, can't wait for next time.

Babysitting *frerard* (Short story COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now