On My Own part 2

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On My Own (part two)

I woke to the sound of the birds chirping and the frogs croaking. I turned over and slowly opened my eyes to gaze up at the roof of my little shack. I slowly stood shaking a few fallen leaves from my body.

I turned and heard something... Coming from the forest... Whistling?

I froze as I heard it again, but this time is was voices.

"Hey is there someone camping out here?"

"This is pretty far from the kingdom to be a campsite." Another voice said.

"Shoot" I muttered to myself as I turned on my heels preparing to make a run for it.

I spun around and ducked through my small door as I stepped on a small branch from my fire last night. "Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot!!!" I whisper shouted.

"Hey!!! Is there anyone there?!?" I heard the voices getting closer

I ran.

But as soon as I stepped out of my fort, I ran into a small man

I fell backwards in surprise and scrambled to my feet.

"Who are you?!?" The man said as a few more men crowded around me.

"U-u-hh" I stuttered "who am I?"

"Yah that's what I said" the man said impatiently

"B-Brooklyn, my name is Brooklyn" I told the men.

"Nice dress girly" one of the taller of the men said as he kicked my foot.

"How dare you kick me!!!" I yelled as I approached the VERY rude man.

"And who do you think you are the princess of Merea?" The man chuckled.

"Yes" I said meekly as the group stepped a little closer and their eyes got wider.

"Dude!!! The entire kingdom is looking for her" one of the men whispered a little too loudly to the man who kicked me.

They all turned around and gathered into a huddle

I listened to them commerce as I shifted my weight uncomfortably a few feet behind them. They turned around and the man who first spoke stepped forward.

"We're the 7 dwarves who live in this forest, do you need a place to stay?"

I sat in shock for a bit then slowly nodded my head.

"Ok, I'm Happy, this is Grumpy," he said gesturing to the man who kicked me, "over there's Doc, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, and Dopey."

"U-uh, hi..." I said but it came out sounding like a question.

"So do you need a place to stay or what?" the man who was addressed by the name Doc asked.

"um, yah, sure" I said

"Ok, we'll help you clean up your campsite then take you to our cottage" Happy said.

When the campsite was all cleaned up and I had packed up all the things I think I'm going to need, we left for the dwarfs cottage.

We ventured off into the woods and went off onto the trail they had come on. All the way back, the dwarves whistled this irritating tune and some even sang. They need voice lessons pronto!

The walk back to the cottage took about 25 minutes and by the time we we got back it was getting closer to lunch.

The dwarves cottage was a small quant house in the middle of a clearing. Windflowers bloomed around the outer walls and ivy climbed up the stone sides. The cottage wasn't necessarily small as much as it was just a shrunken down house. It suited the dwarves, but quite cramped for a normal sized person like myself.

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