Chapter Three

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Chapter three:

A Long Road

(Greg's POV)

3 week later

She lost all of her family in one place, even her dad who she never even got to know the man. She's different now, I'm worried about her, I don't want to lose her too, she's my whole world now. Just look how beautiful she is when she sleeps, curled up, short small breaths, and her long caramel brown hair in that messy bun. This 5'8 girl with beautiful long caramel brown hair has my heart and she doesn't even know she has it. I love her.

(Pepper's Dream/POV)

"What's up shrimp?" I ask jokingly

" I am not a shrimp, Pepper." Spencer says with a cute pouting face.

"Oh sure, shrimp." I tease while messy up his hair.

"Haha very funny." He says punching my shoulder softly, trying to hold back a smile. "Don't call shrimp."

"you'll have to make me, shrimp." I say smirking. I tag his shoulder and say "Tag you're it." I run away, laughing and he runs after me, laughing.

He pulls on my shoulder, making me turn around "You caug-" I cut myself off when i notice he's covered in blood, his blood, Spencer falls face first to the ground. I quickly drop to my knees to help him, I turn him over to help him and he's infected. He pushes me onto my back, I start crying, scream, and trying to push him off, I push him off of me and onto a broken piece of metal, I push myself back not taking my eyes off of him. I back into the fence, I bend my knees into my chest and I start bawling, not taking my eyes off hi- he's body.

(Pepper's POV)

I get shaken awake by Greg. "Wake up, you're having a nightmare. You were screaming." He calls while shaking me.

"Watch it, I could of slapped you." I state while sitting up and wiping away my tears before he noticed them. How could he not see them he's looking me in the eyes with his dreamy brown eyes, I've never really look at him in this way. No, stop, he is your best friend, he's the last person I have.

"You didn't, so I'm grateful." He smiles.

"Where are we?" I ask breaking eye contact with Greg.

"A camp." Hector says pressing on the breaks and putting the truck in park. A man starts walking up to the truck. We get out of the truck, weapons pointed at the guards. He signals the guards, they lower their weapons, we do the same.

"Welcome, My name Doug. I am the leader of this camp, so if you have any questions, ask me." The man said. "If it's selter that you seek, than you've come to the right place. Follow me."

Greg and Hector don't even hesitate to follow him, but I just stand there. He seems way to friendly, it's a freaky friendly, like I'll tie you up in my basement friendly.

"Pepper, you coming?" Hector asks looking back at me like I'm crazy for not trusting him. I just start walking behind a little, looking around at the people just staring at us from behind the chain fence. There are kids playing, they're about Spencer's age, I could feel the tears forming. No, don't cry.

"All weapons go here." Doug says pointing at the armory.

"Um, that's not going to happen." I state while tucking in my knife into the back of my pants.

"I'm sorry, what?" He questions, walking towards me, he pulls out a knife putting it to my throat. "If you're staying here than you better listen to whatever I say, bitch."

I could see Greg and Hector tense up and start to pull out their weapons, but I signal for them not to. "And if I don't listen to what you say than what, huh?" I question.

"Than you'll go to where all the other women go when they disobey." He says taking the knife off my throat, he turns around thinking that I was fine with that.

I walk away from the wall and call out. " Hey, asshole." He turns to me, red face angry. I walk up to him and punch him in the nose,he falls over and I start beating in his face in. I beat his face till Hector and Greg pulled me off him. I look around to see the groups people, they're all staring at me with fear in their eyes.

I run out into the woods by the camp, Greg and Hector try to follow me but I lose them. I run and run until I can't run anymore. Is it dark already? Oh my god, it is.

I can hear growls coming from all around me, I started to panic and climbed a tree. All I can hear is growling, I am to scared to look down, I use the rope I have to tie myself to the tree, I fall asleep fast.

(Pepper's Dream)

"Pepper, why did you do that to that poor man?" Spencer asks looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"I... I don't know." I stutter.

"Yeah, why did you do this to me?" Doug asks pointing at his beaten and broken face. "Huh? Huh? Why!"

"I don't know."

"Pep, Why would you kill him, Why would you kill poor Doug?" Spencer asks in a angry tone. "Why would you let this happen to me, huh?"

"I don't Fucking know!"

I wake up to the sound of loud growling. I quickly untie myself and get my knife out getting ready to kill all the infected. "Okay, Okay I can do this. Just jump over their heads and run, onl-" I get cut off by gun shots, lots of gun shots. I look to where they're coming from, I can't see any of them

"Pepper you can come down now." A familiar voice yells.

"Who is there?" I yell

"Hector." he answers.

"Who's with you?" I ask. I jump off the branch I was on.

"People from the group."

"What? I killed their leader, They'll kill me. Are you crazy?" I pull out my knife ready to fight. Fear in my eyes but making me look crazy.

Hector puts his arm around my side and pulls me towards the group members. "Pepper meet Max, Andrew, Claire and Justin." Hector explains pointing them out. First to a small old motherly looking woman with clean clothes on and her hair up neatly, on her hip a small gun in a holster too big for it. Second to a tall older looking man with short dark hair, he to wearing clean clothes with a large gun stuck into the side of his jeans, Andrew standing close to Max. Third to a woman who doesn't look much older than me, she has short dirty blonde hair, a tank top on with old ripped jeans, no gun but she has a machete, she's distant from the group. Forth to a man, not much older than Claire, he's well built with short dark brown hair and clean clothes, he has a strap over his shoulder which is probably a large gun.

"So, it does not mean they won't kill me" I notice that none of them are pointing their guns at me, so I lower my knife hesitantly."Why aren't you all killing me yet?"

"You saved us." The lady Hector said is Max.

"What the hell do you mean 'saved you'?" I ask in disbelief, flashes of Doug's bloody, beaten face pop in my head. "I killed your lead so how the fuck did I 'save' you people?"

Max calmly walks towards me, looking at me with soft caring eyes. She must be a mother she looks old enough, her child or children are probably around my age-ish. I feel her hand on my shoulder, she still not breaking eye contact, she is actually starting to frighten me. "Honey, Doug was a horrible leader and you did us all a justice killing him."

"What the fuck do you mean a fucking justice, where's Doug's justice. No one ever deserves to die, you are not god, you can not decide who lives and dies!" I yell. I quickly storm off before she could reply.

Who do those people think they are deciding who lives and dies, it fucking pisses me off. That old hag will get a piece of my mind, when I get back, if I find my way back.

A/N: I don't know if people actually like this, so please leave feedback if you want more. I am sorry for the wait, it took long then anticipated to write this chapter, but for now I hope you want the next one.

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