Never to Forget

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"Guys, guys, guys," Josh says excitedly. "I just got the best idea ever!"

Me, Caleb, Josh, and Jordan have all been thinking if ideas for the end of the school year specialty. This year though, has to be really good since its the last year of high school.

"What is it!?" All us guys ask loudly.

"Since none of us have girlfriends, we should have to ask out a girl of our choice to prom." Josh says.

"Man, Josh since when did you get smart? Yeah! That sounds awesome!" Caleb yells.

"You really think so?" Josh asks. "So it would be like the three of us would decide on a girl for you and you would have to ask her out. No backing down." Josh says to Caleb.

"Heck yeah! That's awesome!" Jordan yells.

I'm pretty quiet about this one. I'm not sure why I'm usually crazy about all the ideas that they say. I guess I just don't like the fact of asking out a girl I don't like but whatever it's not like its going to last any longer then prom.

"Troy what do you say about it?" Jordan asked me.

"Uhh yeah, it sounds cool lets do this." I don't sound very excited about it. I hope they didn't get that from me because they will think I'm a wimp if I don't.

"Ok guys, come in, Jordan goes first."

Caleb motioned for us all to huddle up and choose who Jordan has to go out with.

Names are shouted out and flying around every were. There are a bunch of 'NO she's mine' and 'eww that's just mean' also alot of laughs were going around. Finally we all decided on Kendra. She's nice. She is about two inches shorter then Jordan and had shoulder length brown straight hair.

Josh always has to be funny so he walks up to Jordan all fancy and starts talking like Effie from the Hunger games. "Jordan Fletcher, you have been matched up with Kendra Nickels."

"Yes!" Jordan yells and fist pumps in the air. He has the widest smile on his face and looks like he couldn't be happier. At least one of us will be happy.

"Caleb your turn." Jordan says after he stops his little happy dance.

"Alright, she better be good." Caleb motions us away from him as he turns his back.

The same thing happens for Caleb and Josh as it did for Jordan. There were shouts and groans and then we finally agreed on a name. For Caleb we matched him up with Kristen. And Josh with Lia. Josh used his Effie voice for announcing and then I had to when we were announcing for Josh.

Caleb grimaced when he heard that he was with Kristen, although I'm not sure why. They are both kind of players and Kristen is single at the moment. She dumped her boyfriend to other day. Kristen has green eyes and short blond hair. Shes skinny and has a nice body. And when we decided on Lia for Josh Caleb seemed resistant for some reason but we don't know why. We will deal with it later. Lia it's quite short but can be really crazy which is just what Josh needs. She's skinny too again with a nice body. I guess we weren't trying to be mean, since its prom and our last year in school.

Of course I'm last. I sure hope she's good.

The guys go into the corner and talk quietly. They keep looking at me and then look at each other and keep talking.

I'm super nervous even though I know I shouldn't be. It's just a girl that I have the ask to prom.

Finally after what seemed like a hour, Josh walks up to me with his Effie voice and says, "Troy Blats, we have matched you up with," he made the longest pause ever and I thought he wasn't going to say anything. The anticipation was killing me. Finally he continued. "Katrina Everett."

What? She was totally not who I was expecting. Although when I thought about her, I know her a little bit. The guys have classes with her but I don't. I have a class with her best friend Carlee and I see her sometimes. I'm not exactly sure how to react to I just smile. Katrina has long blonde hair with natural ringlets. At least I think they are natural. And her eyes are a beautiful ocean blue. She's shorter and has a nice body. They weren't mean to me so I'm happy for that.

"Awesome," says Josh. "You seem happy so, I guess we will all ask them out tomorrow?"

"I guess," I reply. "Caleb should probably ask out Kristen ASAP since you never know with her. She could already be with another guy."

That made everyone laugh.

I'm not so sure about asking Katrina out. I mean she's nice from what I have seen of her but she most likely doesn't like me. What if she turns me down? That will suck. I guess I won't know until I ask so I should stop worrying about it. Tomorrow will be tomorrow. I'll just have to see what it will bring me.

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