Chapter 2

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I've been thinking alot about Katrina. We are about the same 'league' if that's what you want to call it. We aren't popular but we aren't low. My group of friends I had to say are pretty hot and Katrina herself isn't too bad. I have never considered even having a crush on her. Well, I've never really thought about her at all since we didn't go to elementary school together and I don't have any classes with her.

"Troooooy!" I heard Olivia yell from the bottom of the stairs. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Ok be there in a sec." I called back. Olivia is my 8 year old sister. She's pretty cute and sometimes fun but usually really annoying when I have friends over.

Today I'm trying to make myself look a little better considering that I am asking a girl out to prom. I put on some clean jeans and a nicer shirt. I put on my best smelling cologne and put some jell in my hair.

"Troooooooy!" Olivia yells again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." I say annoyed as I walk down the stairs

It smells so good in my house right now. I guess my mom decided to be special and made bacon, waffles and breakfast sausages. I wonder what the occasion is.

I quickly grab a couple pieces of bacon and run out the door when I realized that the time was 7:45 when school starts at 8:00. And it takes 15 minutes to walk there. I guess I won't have any time to talk to the guys this morning.

I walk fast so I'm not going to be late for class until I hear my name called

from behind me when I'm a block away from the school. I spin around and I see Katrina standing 5 feet behind me. Obviously she just turned around the corner.

"Troy, I didn't expect to see you here." Katrina says.

"Oh yeah, I live a couple blocks down." I say kind of nervously.

I'm not sure wether I should ask her out now or wait till later although I'm not sure if I will see her for the rest of today. The guys made us all promise that we couldn't tell or make it obvious that we were dared to do this. It has to look as real as possible.

"Oh I didn't know that." Katrina says. "Can I walk with you?"

I kind of just look at her for a while and then realize what I am doing and then snap out of it. I shake my head a little to get it going straight again and say, "uh, yeah sure."

"You can say no if you don't want me here." She says nervously.

"No, no, it's alright." I'm super chicken and gittery right now for some reason. I know I should ask out her but I don't know how. If I do I will probably just screw up and she will say no and then what am I supposed to tell the guys?

Before I knew it I started talking. "Hey uh,"I rubbed my neck nervously. "Do you want to come to prom with me?" I looked into her ocean blue eyes and instantly after she took it in she smiled.

"Yes!" She said excitedly, maybe a bit to excitedly. "Umm sorry, that was a but extreme I probably scared you. It's just that you're like the last guy I would think would ask me. I mean I didn't think anyone would ask me. Me and Carlee were just planing on going together. Are you serious?"

That's a different response. "Yeah I'm serious." I say with a grin. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am!" Katrina laughs. "Who wouldn't want to?"

"Well, I could think of a few." I reply.

"Oh don't say that."

I laugh and put up my hands "ok, ok, I'm sorry."

"Prom is in like a month so..."

I just kinda stand there. Is she wanting me to ask her out? Because proms a while month away. I did not sign up for this. They only said prom. Not dates in between. Oh I'm gonna kill them. I don't want Katrina to feel bad though.

"Sorry..." She continues.

"No, no, I'm sorry I should have asked sooner. Would you like to hang out this saturday? Catch a movie or something?"

Ha did you see what I did there? I asked to hang out, not a date. Sneaky! Sorry I had a moment.

"Yeah that would be awesome, I'll talk to you later. We will be late for class if we don't hurry."

"Yeah you're right we should hurry up." I say as we start walking again.

We get into the school and go our separate ways I know she's going to find Carlee by the way she rushed away so fast. I just hope I don't crush her heart in the end.

I go to my first class with my books that I got from my locker earlier and sit at the back of the class. Josh sat beside me and have me a grin.

"You're a bit more red then usual, should I be nervous?" Josh asks.

"No everything is good. How about you?"

"Well, I found Lia this morning and asked her out. She said yes. No big thing."

"Awesome man, I asked out Katrina too. She said yes."

Just as Mr. C (his last name is Cornelson but her prefers Mr C) walked into the class Carlee zipped in. She saw me and smiled. Unusual.

The day dragged on and by the end of lunch we all asked out our girls. And I was the only one that asked my girl out on a date. I said it was just because I was trying to make it seem more real. I didn't tell the whole story.

At the end of the day us guys decided to all come over to my house and tell about our girls and play video games. What a combination.

For some reason again, my conversation with Katrina wouldn't leave my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about her. It must just be a phase. Atleast I hope it is.

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